Page 59 of Debt of Loyalty

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Several realizations settled in.

I couldn’t care less about the job. What I did care about was having Willow in my life on a permanent basis.

There was also something else.

Answers were needed and I was determined to find them.

Fuck loyalty.

To hell with duty.

It was time to do things my way.



After Kalani’s parents left Jameson’s office, I walked inside, sliding my hands into my pockets.

He eyed me carefully, not asking if I wanted a drink but pouring one for me while refreshing his. After handing it to me, he took a deep breath.

“Do you want to get your weapons?” he asked. “Or are you confident my supply will be enough?”

“I can’t let my guard down. You know that as well as I do.” I took a swig of the drink, still uncertain how much I was willing to tell him.

“I understand, but your fear that you’ll be attacked here has me concerned as well. This is my family’s island, Santiago.”

“You don’t need to tell me that, unless you’re asking me to leave.”

Huffing, he shook his head. “That’s not it and I think you know that. What I am asking is to let me know what we’re dealing with. Are we talking a small-time criminal going after her or a group?”

“A cartel.”

“Fabulous. I need to ask. Why would a beautiful, obviously intelligent veterinarian be on the most wanted list of a monster?”

“That’s what I’m not certain about.”

He half laughed. “No wonder you’re like a caged animal. You have to follow orders but you aren’t provided with the reasons why. What do you know?”

I took another gulp, looking away for a few seconds before making my final decision whether to breach security. “I think this is about her parents, specifically her mother.”

“What’s her last name?”

“Cavanaugh of Cavanaugh Pharmaceuticals.”

As soon as his eyebrows rose, I could tell he’d heard of them. “That’s why I recognized Willow. The company has been in and out of the news for years. Interesting. The woman is a bitch.”

“Tell me about it. No love lost with Willow either. What I need to know is if Jennifer Cavanaugh is dirty.”

He said nothing at first then moved toward one of the chairs, sitting down. “I’m not a criminal attorney so I wouldn’t know that right offhand.”

“But you have friends who are, and you can certainly secure information that I wouldn’t be permitted access to.”

“That’s true but Mrs. Cavanaugh has a team of attorneys at her disposal.”

“So the fuck what?” I snapped, immediately shaking my head. “If the woman is dirty then it likely was the single reason Willow was kidnapped and taken to Brazil, prepared to be sold off as a sex slave.” Just talking about it pissed me off as much as it had before.

Whistling, he studied me carefully. “You’re into some heavy shit. I don’t know who you’re working for officially but unofficially, if this involves Deangelo Castillo then I might toss you off this island.”
