Page 62 of Debt of Loyalty

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“Not long after that, I remember asking my father for a puppy. That was the first time. It was denied.” She took a deep breath, still lost in the memory. “Several times after that as well.”

“Come here,” I commanded, beckoning her with a single finger.

She eyed me warily, more nervous than I’d seen her before and I knew why. She’d told me her most vulnerable moment and one that had sculpted the woman she’d become. As she walked closer, she darted her eyes back and forth across mine. I sat down in the chair, pulling her into my lap. She was so tense at first, her breathing ragged, but as she started to relax, I felt more kindred to her than during any other intimate moment.

As I rubbed her arm, she pressed her hand against my chest, her fingers kneading through the material.

“I’ll fly Kalani and her parents to the Big Island tomorrow morning, but you need to stay here.”

“I knew you’d say that. I’ll write up a list of what I did for you to give the doctor.” She lifted her head, her fingers shifting to my face, trailing a finger down my scar. “It makes you look distinguished.”

Laughing, I loved how the woman was able to disarm me within seconds. “You’ll follow all the rules I set in motion. Correct?”

“Such a demanding tone.”

“Because you enjoy breaking rules. Do I need to remind you who’s in charge?”

She rolled her eyes. “You just think you are.”

“That’s because I am. Let’s go over the rules one more time. You should stay here.”

“I would prefer being back at the cabin. What’s going to happen there?”

“There are limbs everywhere, debris.”

Her look was as stern as mine had been. “I’m a big girl. I think I can handle it. I promise I’ll do everything you say. Scout’s honor.” She held up her fingers in a Girl Scout salute, her eyes twinkling.

“You’re one tough woman. Fine. Once I leave, then you’ll take the Jeep back to the house where you’ll stay within the immediate perimeter.”

“What if I want to pick fruit?”

The woman was pushing me on purpose. “Fine, but stay close. You have a weapon so keep it close. And whatever you do, don’t think about going into my private room.”

“You have a private room?” She purred the question, giving me sass as she loved to do.

“You know exactly what I mean, you little vixen.” I tweaked her nipple on purpose, my cock stirring from the dark hunger furrowing inside.

I’d never wanted to dominate a woman more than I did her, but it wasn’t about power or the need to control her. My dark desires were about the release of passion, allowing our unbridled needs to remain at the surface. While I craved her full surrender both body and soul, I knew that by doing so, she’d open my heart.

Goddamn it. I was falling in love with her.

* * *


Some men believed themselves to be powerful because of their brawn and size. Others were certain having millions of dollars and fancy cars would draw in any woman they beckoned with a single finger. There were also the violent bastards who took what they wanted, lording their strength as well as mind games over a woman they believed belonged to them.

Then there was Santiago.

He was entirely different. Was he just as powerful if not more so than the men I’d thought of as examples? Absolutely. Did I suspect he had hidden funds given his ability to build such an incredible house in the middle of nowhere and own a helicopter? Definitely. Could he use his muscles to force me to do his bidding? You bet.

But he didn’t need any of that to entice me. I’d fallen for the deep, haunted look in his eyes and the way he watched me even when he didn’t think I was paying attention. I craved his rough touch that could be turned gentle, becoming a comforting giant who licked away my tears. I’d tolerated his penchant for violence while protecting me, touting it as the job he’d been trained to do, but there was so much more behind his solemn gaze and brooding demeanor. And I adored every bit of it.

He’d brought the helicopter closer to the farm, his actions gentle as he boarded Kalani. Then I’d stood on the same spot watching until there was no sign of the big bird in the sky, my stomach churning the moment I couldn’t see him any longer. Why I thought I’d never see him again I wasn’t certain, but the butterflies remained, my throat tightening every time it crossed my mind.

Before he’d left, he’d drawn a map for me to follow in order to get the Jeep back to the house, hopefully avoiding fallen trees. He also took far too much time explaining the terrain and pinpointing various trees that he’d carved a sign into several years before. I’d been patient, trying not to laugh as he’d gone over it three times. It was his way of remaining protective, which I found endearing.

He’d been right, the number of downed limbs making the drive a pain in the ass, but I’d tossed every piece of wood in my way, determined to get to my destination. I had, although it had taken almost two hours.
