Page 65 of Debt of Loyalty

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“Shit,” Jameson snapped. “I’ll find out what’s going on. It might be a food drop.”

“No. I don’t buy it.”

I didn’t have time to wait. If what Jameson had told me was true, then the call I’d made to Jennifer and James would likely have been bugged. Even keeping the call under five minutes and it being scrambled through dozens of countries, it was possible our location had been discovered. I was well aware there were certain countries who’d developed even more sophisticated devices for narrowing down a pinged call. I jumped into the helicopter, in the air within a matter of seconds. As I swung out toward the ocean, I realized I was thankful I’d hidden two weapons in the body of the aircraft. Thank God my training was still in full force.

It took me less than five minutes to swing around to the other side. Two boats had run aground on the beaches, but I could see a larger yacht in the distance, far enough away it was possible no one had paid any attention to it given the location of the other islands. When I noticed something else in the water, I struggled to reach for the binoculars I’d stored in a bin. Fuck. There were additional boats headed in my direction and even worse, I noticed a helicopter on the port side of the yacht. This had been well orchestrated, using the tourist situation as a cover.

I returned my attention to the island, making a giant loop. After counting at least eight armed soldiers, I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell I could land there and live to see the next freaking day.

I veered off before one of the assholes had a chance to fire their weapon, flying just over the trees. At least I knew of an alternate spot to land. As I powered down, there was no doubt my appearance and approach had been noticed, which meant a team would be sent through the woods. There was no time to lose. As soon as I powered it off, I jumped in the back, grabbing my already fully loaded weapons, slapping additional magazines into my trousers, jumping off and racing toward the forest.

As I rushed into the dense forest, jumping over fallen limbs and other thick undergrowth, I sensed Willow was in danger. This had been nothing more than a sting operation, using the connection James had made to try to implicate Jennifer or to have her turn state’s evidence, thereby finally able to bring Castillo down.

I had no problems adding my support to the operation. Then I’d punch Broderick in the face before I resigned. How dare the motherfucker threaten to have me locked away in an institution.

Fury turned into a rush of adrenaline, the need to crush the assholes threatening not only the woman I loved but the island that I’d been thankful to call home. As soon as I heard a noise, I went into stealth mode, crouching down and waiting until the soldier cleared the trees.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The fucker went down but there’d be more of them. I zigged and zagged as I raced through the forest. Several shots were fired, the bullets slamming against the trees. Hissing, I dropped and rolled, getting off several rounds. Two more of them dropped. It wouldn’t be long until the smaller powerboats made it to shore.

Fuck. I only hoped Jameson would make good on his promise to provide help or within about three minutes, I’d be overpowered.

The clearing for the beach was up ahead. I took a deep breath, racing forward.


The brutal slam caught me just under my chin, sending me flying into the air. I fell with a hard thud, losing my grip on the handgun. Gasping, stars floated in front of my eyes as I struggled to get to my knees. Focusing was almost impossible but I noticed the fucker preparing to fire. I rolled several times, yanking my rifle in front of me, firing instantly.

Two more came out of nowhere, several bullets narrowly missing me. After snagging one of their weapons, I raced to the tree line, able to see four boats had been dragged onto the sand. A single crack from behind me made me turn. I shot from both weapons, taking out four more of them. When I lunged toward the opening, determined to stay just inside the perimeter, white-hot pain tore through my shoulder. The force pitched me forward into the clearing, dropping on the sand.


Her voice cut through the air, her screech riddled with terror. I didn’t give a shit about the anguish, jerking to my knees and throwing my head in the direction of her voice. The goddamn motherfucker had come to do his own dirty work.

Within seconds, I was surrounded, at least six of Castillo’s men pointing their weapons toward me. Fuck. I’d been hit in the shoulder, the agony blinding. As I tried to move my arm, I realized the damage was enough I only had maybe thirty percent usage. That was enough. I’d been through much worse.

“Viper,” Castillo repeated, laughing in a deep baritone. “Fascinating name. Well, you’ve come to the right place given this is the den of vipers. I would prefer you tell me your real name.”

“Over my dead body,” I managed, blinking several times as sweat trickled into my eyes. From what I could tell, Willow was unhurt, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t change at any time.

Castillo yanked her closer as he studied me intently. While he didn’t have his weapon pointed at her, I couldn’t risk a shot.

When one of the soldiers moved toward me, placing the barrel of the weapon against my temple, I bristled, immediately jerking my arm in his direction. Fuck. I was shaking from both the adrenaline and the sheer agony. I took a deep breath, struggling to get to my feet.

“Bajar!” the solder snapped. He could tell me to get down all he wanted, and it wasn’t going to happen.

“Que carajo quieres?” What the fuck do you want? I struggled to walk closer. I’d been through shit like this in combat. Castillo was the kind of man who’d want to know who sent me. That was the single bargaining chip I had.

“Détente o disparare!” the soldier snarled as four of them shifted their positions, still flanking my sides. Stop or I’ll shoot.

Castillo chuckled then motioned with his pistol to allow me to come closer. “Lo que quiero es simple. Lo que me pertence.” What I want is simple. What belongs to me.

“As I said before. Over my dead body.”

“That can be arranged, Viper.”

I lumbered closer, trying to buy some time, dropping one of the weapons as I approached. One would do it. “So, this is all about drugs.”
