Page 69 of Debt of Loyalty

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“Enough!” Castillo barked. He inched even closer. “It’s a shame your entire team died trying to protect you. The violence wasn’t necessary. As I told you before. I came to recollect what already belonged to me. Since I’m in a good mood having Willow returned, I’m going to give you some time to think about my offer. When I return, you will make your determination. If you don’t provide what I need, then unfortunately you will experience true pain. Once I’m finished with your interrogation, you’ll beg me to die. But I won’t give you what you need. At least not at first.”

“Fuck you.” There was no way Jameson and his men were killed. None.

As soon as I said the words, a sharp cry drew my attention. The sound startled me, the wail so intense that it managed to slide through the cracks in the mortar.

“Just another one of our guests, Viper. Unfortunately, he’s now just realizing that acts of treachery will not be allowed.”

I snorted, giving him another nasty glare.

He laughed, shaking his head. “As expected, I’m going to need to spend some quality time with Willow. It’s important that she begin to understand her position. She’s very special to me. A true and rare find.” Castillo backed away, heading for the door.

“If you so much as lay a finger on her, Deangelo, I assure you that the method I use to end your life will provide you with a full understanding of the wrath of the United States of America.”

After shooting me a look over his shoulder, he laughed. “I will enjoy your attempt, Viper. More than you know. I can see I will need to resort to more… proven methods of holding our discussions. Prepare him. This will be a long night, Viper. Very long indeed.”




My cry was unheeded as it had been for hours. I remained in a small room that held no furniture, a single window that allowed in light. I’d been left with a bottle of water and nothing else, my shoes as well as my dignity taken. The hours that had gone by had been terrifying. All I’d been able to think about was Santiago.

He’d remained motionless for the entire trip, the helicopter ride a horrifying experience. I’d witnessed the chopper that belonged to Santiago blown to bits over the ocean. The men who’d tried to come to our assistance had lost their lives. That’s all I’d been able to watch, crouching down on the floor of the bird, hovering over Santiago’s nearly lifeless body.

Castillo had never taken his eyes off me, his smug expression one that I’d come close to ripping off with my nails. When we’d been transferred to a plane, I’d finally found the courage to take action, drawing blood. Then I’d been tossed into a cage, no longer able to touch the man I loved.

My only hope was that the fact Santiago had been taken alive meant Castillo wanted something from him. Yet, no one had asked me any questions. The son of a bitch who’d captured me wanted me terrified, full of despair so he could finish breaking me. That wasn’t going to happen. I was much stronger than before, the mental and emotional training provided by my special hero boosting my level of courage.

I only hoped it would last.

I moved toward the window, staring down at the world below. The view was different than before, the room I’d been placed in positioned in the front of the house. I’d seen at least three vehicles coming and going, soldiers roaming the grounds. I’d heard voices but no one had come to visit me. But I knew it was only a matter of time.

The light was waning, darkness soon to fall. There was only a bulb overhead, no shade to shadow the harshness and there was nothing in the room that I could possibly use as a weapon. I’d been allowed to use the bathroom before being tossed inside, but that had been the only creature comfort afforded me. I was being punished.

After a few minutes, goosebumps popped down my arms and I moved against the wall, exhaustion and fear starting to take a significant toll. As I slid down the wall, I dropped my head into my hands. There were no tears, only anger. I would remain that way no matter what atrocities were performed. I would never betray Santiago.

I hadn’t heard a single sound, but I knew someone was standing in the doorway. When I lifted my head, I tensed and took several deep breaths. Castillo stood in front of me, a huge smile on his face. He was happy as could be. The fucker had won the round, but if I knew Santiago, the war was just beginning.

He walked further inside, and I wanted to jump out the window.

“What a shame you needed to be reminded of your place, Willow.”

“My place. Are you fucking out of your mind?” I crawled up the wall, glaring him in the eyes. “You kidnapped me. Twice. You’re a fucking monster.”

His laugh only pissed me off. “I really don’t like punishing you. It’s not necessary, but I will continue doing so if you don’t obey my commands.”

I shook my head, looking away. “Where is he?”

“You mean Viper? The man who tried to keep you from me? He is safe. For now. But that’s going to depend on you.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning that if you’re a good girl and act appropriately, providing me with what I need, then I’ll let him go. In fact, I’ll have him put on a plane for a return to the States.”

“You’re lying.” Santiago wouldn’t be allowed to live no matter what or if I told the asshole anything. I was no fool, but the fact he was playing me for one meant he’d underestimated me.

“I’m not in a habit of lying, Willow. I know you’re distraught. I’ve taken the liberty of having a few items brought to you. I’m certain you’ll want to bathe and change. Dinner will be in twenty minutes. You will be downstairs waiting like a good girl. Then we will have our discussion over a glass of wine.”
