Page 78 of Debt of Loyalty

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At this point.

Although within days, the shit would continue, Jennifer Cavanaugh on the hot seat with the DEA, the CIA, and just about every other agency in between. Her company had already taken a hit, her stock tumbling to record lows. Even if she was found innocent, Cavanaugh Pharmaceuticals would never fully recover.

“Keep in mind I’m not certain I care to,” she answered. “They had an affair. It’s simple as that. They produced a child that she hid from him for years. What I don’t understand is how he found out.”

“That’s something you’ll have to ask your mother about.”

“Fat chance in hell.”

“But you asked for a DNA test. Apparently, you do want to learn the truth.”

Laughing, she wagged her finger. “You were checking up on me.”

“That’s because I care about you, and when a man wants to find out something about his woman, he makes that happen.” It seemed I’d said the wrong thing, or maybe I hadn’t said enough. I knew how I felt inside, the longing to spend time with her, but a nagging remained in the back of my mind that my demons could eventually destroy her and that was the last thing I wanted or would tolerate.

“To answer your question, I do need to know. Not that it’s going to change me. It’s time to move on. I’ve already contacted my professors. They’re allowing me to take the final exams online. If I pass, then I’m returning to California where maybe I can walk across the stage one day.”

“What about after that?”

She gave me a sly look. “I’ve already had a couple job offers there and one in Seattle. At this point, all I know is that I want to work with animals. That’s what makes me happy.”

I took a deep breath. Maybe it was best for her to return to her life, and I return to mine. While I wasn’t certain anyone from Eagle Force knew about my relationship with her, it was entirely possible given everything that had happened that I’d be out of a job. Hell, maybe returning to the island was the best thing to do. Damn it. “You should do that, Willow. You deserve to have everything you’ve ever wanted.”


When I didn’t answer, she shook her head. The awkwardness between us was hard to stomach. We were both in a difficult place in our lives, two entirely different people.

“How’s your shoulder?” She gave me a hard look, attempting to play nursemaid again.

“Stop worrying.” The bullet had gone clean through, the slight tear in my shoulder blade already healing. I didn’t want to share with her stories of other injuries I’d received over the years.

“That’s what you always say.” She smiled, although even in the darkness I could see a faraway look in her eyes.

I sat back, swirling my whiskey. She’d barely eaten during the last week, the investigation taking as much of a toll as the horrific events from before.

“I was terrified Castillo would kill you,” she whispered, still unable to look me in the eyes. “I could tell he hated you. He acted so possessive, and I thought it was because he thought I belonged in his bed. But something he said when he tried to force me to eat shifted my thinking. It was a strange revelation to know he wanted me to become a part of his empire.”

“I can only imagine. I told you I was a tough dude to kill.” I tried to make a joke, but the quick glance she tossed me said in no uncertain terms she wasn’t in the mood for jokes.

I wasn’t entirely certain she’d ever be able to fully relax again. We were both fighting demons that had yet to be exorcised, only hers were fresh and raw where mine were from the distant past.

“Will you ever be able to tell me who you’re working for?” she asked out of the blue.


“Do you have another assignment?” She finally leaned over the table, giving me an imploring look.

“I’m not certain that’s going to happen. I broke a few rules. Would that bother you if I did?”

Ten seconds ticked by. Twenty. I needed to get my head out of my ass, or I was going to lose the woman I loved.

Willow laughed bitterly. “You need to listen to me, Santiago Rodriguez. I’m not good with this. I love you very much. I waited to say anything to you because I was terrified that what I felt wasn’t real, that the wretched situation we’d been forced into was the only reason we gravitated toward each other. I didn’t want to be hurt again, tossed aside when the heat and passion died. I couldn’t risk it, but I should have trusted myself. I think I fell in love with you the very first day, although I swore to God I’d hate you to the end of time. Still, I had to make certain because I didn’t want to hurt you or destroy what we’d shared. The memories are special to me.”

When I held up my hand, she shook her head. What asshole had hurt her before? They had to be deaf, dumb, and blind.

“Don’t try and stop me. Maybe you don’t feel the way I do, and I’ve come to terms with that, but the danger out there is real. I love you. I absolutely love you, but I refuse to try and keep you from a job that you do so very well. I couldn’t live with myself. Do I want you to go on another mission? Absolutely not, but it’s your choice, just like it’s mine to finish my degree and try and move on.”

“I’m not certain what you’re saying.”
