Page 90 of Debt of Loyalty

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“I’m going to find a way to get back at you.”

Laughing, I cut the engine, leaning over immediately and wrapping my fingers around her neck, pulling her closer. “We need to get something straight. I’m in control of everything.”

“Oh, you are, huh? You just think you are.”

After issuing a growl, I captured her mouth as I’d done several times before, rubbing my finger across her cheek as I thrust my tongue past her voluptuous lips. The taste was a sweet reminder of things to come. I’d taken a risk convincing the university to ask her to participate, even more so when I invited her parents to attend. I’d been surprised by her emotional outburst seeing them cheer her on, thrilled I could be a small part of making her dreams come true.

She pressed her palm against my chest before clamping her fingers around my shirt. Every sound she made stirred my cock, the ache I’d felt for the longest two months of my life still hard hitting. Tonight, I’d devour her several times. But first, I had surprises in store.

When I pulled away, she sighed before shaking her head. “You are one bad boy.”

“And I suggest you never forget that.”

As I jumped off, I noticed a truck heading in our direction. Jameson wasted no time cutting the engine, moving in our direction.

Willow flanked my side, sliding hair from her face as the blades began to slow.

“Welcome back. I’m glad to see the both of you,” Jameson said, smiling as he shook my hand.

“I never really got a chance to thank you for what you did,” I told him.

“No thanks needed. You’d do the same for me.”

“I don’t know,” I teased.

Willow punched me in the gut playfully. “Don’t mind him. He has no manners as of late.”

We all laughed, a sense of being home filling the remaining empty space.

“Well, I just wanted to provide a warm island welcome. Maybe in a couple days you can come to the farm. I have a few steaks with your name on them.” Jameson winked. “And remember that Kalani’s parents have a special gift for you as well.”

“I don’t need any gifts,” Willow told him.

“Well, it’s a pretty big pig and it would dishonor them if you don’t take it.”

Willow laughed as she squeezed my arm. “That will be… interesting.”

“Anyway, let me know if you need anything. By the way, I thought I’d bring this back to you.” He handed me the communications device. “I’m sure you’ll need it again.”

“For an entirely different reason. I don’t plan on leaving this lady’s side unless she kicks me out.”

“Hmmm…” she teased.

“Well. I love having company on this beautiful island. It’ll be good to have you stay around for a while. Keep him on his toes,” Jameson told her.

“Oh, I plan on it.” She gave me a heated look, dragging her tongue across her lips.

“I left the package you were looking for just inside,” he told me, another grin crossing his face.

“Perfect.” I was excited at the possibilities for the future. Would there always be a level of darkness crowding in the back of my mind? Without a doubt, but I was finished with living in the past.

As Jameson walked away, I gazed at the ocean, humbled that he’d almost died in order to keep me safe. I was a lucky man.

“Be careful, sweetheart. You might have your hands full,” I told her.

She shifted in front of me, running her fingers down my chest. “What package?”

Laughing, I grabbed the suitcases and headed for the Jeep. “All good things come to those with patience, and you need to learn to have some. You also need to follow the rules. I’m going to help make certain that happens.”
