Page 79 of Paging Dr. Douche

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“Keeping her out later? What? As in an after hours thing? Oh, man. Did she agree? Let me talk to her. I need to speak with her.” Carrie says, clearly excited.

“Sure, hold on.” I press the speaker on the phone.

“Carrie?” Ella calls out.

“Ella, I swear on my life if you come back here and tell me you didn’t get laid tonight, I’m going to be so upset. The man sounds like sex in 4K UltraHD surround sound.“

Ella gasps loud and her face turns cherry red and a series of squeaks leaves her mouth as she tries to stop her friend from talking.

“He’s taking you out, he’s interested! Do it!, you deserve to get some good loving from—“

“Carrie, speaker!” Ella finally manages to yell out.

I do my best to hold in the laughter.

“Ohh, well fuck then. I still mean it. I better get some stories about the many orgasms Mr. Snow has blessed you with. Mr. Snow, if she tells me it was bad, I’m telling everyone I know. You of all people should know how quickly news travels. I want an A plus effort. You two have a good night.” Carrie hangs up the phone and I can no longer hold in the laughter building in my gut.

Ella tosses the phone in her bag and covers her face with her hands. “Kill me now.” She mutters against her palms. “I’m so sorry. That’s so embarrassing.” She pulls her hands down and her eyes are slightly wet. She’s mortified.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about. Your friend is looking out for your best interests.”

“I know, but I don’t want you to think I’m trying to be anything besides professional.”

I rub my thumb against my bottom lip and she sucks in a breath. I’ve seen her do this several times today whenever I do this. Nice to know that I’m affecting her as much as she’s affecting me.

“And if I don’t want to keep this professional?” I hear the words come out of my mouth, but I can’t believe it was me who said it. What the fuck has gotten into me. This whole conversation is just ripe for sexual misconduct accusations.

She presses her legs together tighter and her hands grip the hem of her skirt tightly. “What do you mean?”

She didn’t turn me down completely, “Well, here during working hours you’re here for your article. But I’m proposing that once we walk out the doors, everything is off record and we just enjoy each other's company. Of course, only if you want. If you decide to go straight home, I’ll have a car drop you off.” I maintain eye contact with her and wait for her to answer. Since I’d met her I’ve wanted nothing more than to get her out of my life. Now I’d pay a small fortune if she’d have dinner with me. She’s affected me that deeply in just the day she’s been here.

I watch her stand from her chair and my heart drops slightly. She’s not as interested as her friend thinks.

“Do I need to go home and change or will what I’m wearing suffice?” She smirks at me.

“You’re perfect exactly as you are.” I grab my wallet and phone from the desk, and the both of us make our way out of the office.

Tonight is going to be fun, I can tell already.
