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‘Are you counting my faults as you stare at me so coldly,’ she asked.

‘No, for you are perfect to look at Ilene, so very lovely, in every way. I am merely searching for the girl I once knew.’

‘She is gone for good.’

‘That is a shame, for I cared for her.’

Murray came closer, confronting her with his broad chest. How she wished he would go away, as he loomed over her. If he was trying to frighten her, then he was succeeding but instead, to her shock, he took her face in his hands, bent in and kissed her. It was as it had been under the oak tree, on the day of his proposal, as if nothing had happened since then. His lips moulded perfectly to hers, gentle and tender, making her legs soften. Perhaps he had started to forgive her. Perhaps if she was good to him, he would be kinder.

Confused, afraid, Ilene stood passively in his embrace, like a rag doll, limp and lifeless. His kiss quickened, becoming more heated, as he pressed her to his chest, arms coming round her, holding her fast. His kisses went to her neck as he whispered venomously, ‘You are more timid than I remember. What a disappointment you are Ilene for I thought you had more fight in you than this.’

She tried to push him off, but it was a useless struggle against his size, his strength, for it was as if he were made of granite.

‘Perhaps now would be a good time to exert my rights as your husband.’ His words made her freeze. ‘You were eager enough the first time, and though the wind is chill, I am sure I can find a thousand ways to warm you,’ he continued, kissing her neck, clutching her to him. ‘You may be spoiled goods but you are still beautiful, and if I am to raise another man’s child, I should at least get some sport out of it,’ he said, raining hard kisses down her neck.

‘Please Murray, stop this.’

‘Why should I?’ he said, crushing his lips down onto hers.

Ilene was powerless in the face of his anger. Would he force her to lie with him now, in a rage, hating her, punishing her with his body? She went limp in his arms and did not resist, then just as suddenly as his mood had changed from loving to angry, it changed again and he released her.

‘Does it repulse you so Ilene, the thought of lying with me.’

‘No. It’s just…’

‘Am I too rough a prospect after the good breeding and fine manners of Aidan Grant?’

‘Stop it.’

‘Fear not Ilene, I no more desire you than you do me, for I’ve no wish to lie with a fallen woman, nor one who finds me distasteful. I merely wanted to see the look on your face when I threatened it.’

‘Then you are cruel.’

‘No more than you. I thought you were my beautiful salvation, Ilene, from a life of loneliness and violence. I thought that by taking you, I would have a future with a woman who loved and wanted me. Then to find out that you are nothing but a lie and the worst of it is, you love him still.’

‘No, I don’t, in fact, I’m not sure if I ever did. I told myself I loved him but I don’t think I ever really knew him.’

‘And yet, you lay with him.’

‘Aye, because I wanted him.’

‘You were not wed,’ he shouted.

‘Many couples lie together before marriage.’

‘And where did it get you? He threw you over after he got what he wanted.’

‘And how many women have you left behind? How many swollen bellies have there been, Murray?’

‘It’s different for a man.’


‘Men have needs, there are some women who satisfy those needs and there are women who keep themselves pure until marriage.’

‘What a hypocrite you are,’ she shouted back, all caution buried in the unfairness of his words. ‘Are women not supposed to want or need? Are we to be slaves, just submitting to your desires?’

‘You let Aidan take advantage of you, like some slut, you let him ruin you.’
