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She taps her bottom lip. “Really? I don’t see it.”

I grin. So does she. And I realize that I think I might actually have a connection with this girl. Maybe we can even be friends?

Of course, that moment is completely shattered as some guy wearing a baseball cap strolls by, grinning at Harlow.

“Hey, Easy, how about coming to lunch with me and giving me a quick blowjob?” he remarks. “I’ll even buy you lunch.”

Her smile fades and anger burns in her eyes. I feel it, the words he spat at her that probably burn and scar her skin.

“Fuck off,” we both say at the same time, throwing the douchebag off balance.

He skids to a halt, glancing between the two of us. For a moment, he looks unsure of what to do. But then a shit-eating grin consumes his face.

“Who’s your friend?” he asks Harlow while looking at me. “You can bring her, too, and take turns.”

Her eyes darken as she turns toward him. “Yeah, there’s just one problem with that. In order for either of us to suck you off, we’d have to be able to actually find your tiny penis and, from what I’ve heard, that could take us all of lunchtime, and I need to eat.”

He glares at her. “Screw you, Easy. You think you’re so damn special because your daddy’s got all this money”—he steps toward her—“but you’re nothing but an easy lay who hides behind her big brother.”

She curls her fingers into fists. “Maybe I should text my big brother and let him know what’s up? I’m sure he’s with Zay and Jax, too.” She inches toward him. “What do you say? You want me to tattletale on you?”

His glare deepens. “Always taking the easy way out and living up to your name.” His glare shifts to a smirk as he steps back and saunters off, but not before grinning at me. “I’ll see you around, new girl.”

Harlow flips him the middle finger as he walks off and rounds the corner.

“God, I freakin’ hate people at this school,” she mutters. “But Carter is one of the worst. He’s so damn arrogant and his ego is so overinflated.”

I want to ask her a lot of things, like what his deal is, why he calls her easy. But having been bullied for most of my life, I can pretty much put two and two together.

Instead, I crack a joke. “He probably has to be that way to overcompensate for his tiny penis.”

She chuckles softly, turning to me. “Yeah, probably.” She pauses, considering something, tilting her head to the side. “You want to go to lunch with me? My brother is letting me drive his car. I’m going to this diner that has the best fries ever. We might be a little late getting back, but trust me, it’ll be totally worth it.”

I hesitate, thinking about how I’m supposed to meet Dixie May behind the dumpsters right after lunch is over.

Harlow misinterprets my silence, her smile fading. “Or not. It’s totally fine if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s not that I don’t want to. I’m just supposed to meet my cousin and give her her makeup case that she left in the car …” I stop myself.

What am I doing?

Seriously, what am I doing?

This is the first time in forever that I have a chance to make a friend, and I’m going to toss it away because I need to give Dixie May her makeup case? Screw that! And I’m already in trouble anyway.

“You know what? My cousin can wait until after school,” I tell Harlow. “I’d love to go to lunch.”

Her smile returns. “Awesome.”

Yeah, definitely awesome.

Maybe this day won’t turn out as bad as I thought.

Yeah, talk about jinxing myself.

Because literally, three seconds after I have the thought, I receive a text.

Unknown: I know who you are, and I know what you did.
