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I breathe in the salty goodness. “I don’t know. From what I’ve seen so far, it seems like you’ve got a ton of admirers.”

Hunter gives me an unimpressed stare but is struggling not to smile. “You say admirers. I say stalkers.”

Harlow snorts a laugh. “Like you don’t encourage them.”

“Idon’tencourage them,” he insists, collecting another burger. “They just … I don’t know … I don’t know why they’re so obsessed with me.”

Did he seriously just almost quoteMean Girls?

“Dude, you so did not just say that,” Harlow and I say at the same time. Then we both yell out, “Jinx!” It’s a real bonding moment, let me tell you.

Hunter’s gaze shifts between us, a trace of a confused smile playing at his lips. “Okay, I’m so confused. What’re you two screaming about?”

“Mean Girls,” we both say then laugh.

His confusion only magnifies. “What?”

“It’s a movie,” I explain. “A total chick flick. You should watch it.”

“You think I’m the type of guy to watch a chick flick?”

“Actually, yeah, maybe.” I say it mostly to mess with him, but he does sort of seem like the type of guy who would. “You should watch it.”

He chuckles, rolling his tongue in his mouth. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll watch it, but only if you watch it with me.”

“Hey.” Harlow points a finger at Hunter. “No way. You are so not trying to steal my new best friend.”

“I’m not trying to steal her,” he assures her while smiling at me. “Raven and I are friends, though. We already decided this while you were taking the world’s freakin’ longest piss.”

“Maybe I have a UTI?” Harlow quips then takes a huge bite of her burger.

“TMI, little sis,” Hunter gripes. “And FYI, if you do, it’s probably from all the fucking soda you’re drinking in the morning.” He moves to hand me the burger.

I shake my head. “I just got fries, remember?”

“I know. And I know you said you weren’t that hungry, but I can’t let you do this the wrong way,” he explains. “The first time you eat here, you have to go all-out so you can get the full experience.”

“I …” Shit. I don’t have enough money to cover a full meal. I can barely afford to pay for the fries without chipping in for a tip. “I … I didn’t bring enough money with me.” What I don’t say is that I’ll never bring enough money with me.

I get three bucks a day for lunch from the money that my aunt and uncle give me from an allowance that was left for them after my parents passed away. It’s to be used to feed and clothe me. There’s hardly money, though, something my aunt and uncle like to remind me of a lot.

“It’s okay. I got you covered,” Hunter says then winks at me.

My discomfort grows. I really don’t like it when people try to pay for things for me. “It really is fine if I just eat fries.”

“Let him pay for it,” Harlow chimes in. “I’ll chip in half, too, so it’s just not totally from my brother.” When I start to protest, Harlow adds, “I’ve never gotten to buy a best friend her lunch before, so if you decline, you’re totally taking this new experience away from me.” She gives me an evil grin.

While I’m perfectly aware she’s not being completely serious, I decide to stop arguing and accept the offer. But I make a vow to figure out a way to treat them to lunch sometime and pay them back.

“Fine,” I agree.

Hunter smiles as he hands me the burger. Then he extends his fist toward his sister for a fist bump. “You and I make a pretty good team, little sis.”

She taps her knuckles against his then takes a huge bite of her burger. “For sure. We should make a business of it, and our slogan can be, ‘how to bully your new best friend into eating lunch.’ ”

I shake my head but can’t help laughing. Of course, then I take a bite of my burger, and that laugh turns into a moan as I nearly have a foodgasm.

“Holy crap, that’s good.” I lick a droplet of fry sauce off my bottom lip and notice Hunter staring at me with a weird look on his face. “What?” I ask. “Do I have sauce on my face or something?”
