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“Tried?” Zay asks.

“I could only get a vague location,” I explain. “But I’m going to continue looking into it for her.”

They both look annoyed as hell, and I guess that’s kind of understandable.

“Look, if we become friends with her, we can make sure she keeps quiet about it,” I say. “Plus, maybe she can help us learn more about her uncle.”

“And why do you think she’d help us with that?” Zay says with an arch of her brow. “Her uncle’s her family. We’re not.”

“Yeah, but I got the impression she’s not a huge fan of her aunt, uncle, or cousin.” I pick up my drink and take a sip, waiting for them to say something. They don’t. Finally, I set the glass down and ask, “So, what do you guys think?”

Jax shrugs while fiddling with a straw wrapper. “I’m not opposed to it, but I also don’t think we should tell her all our secrets either … If she told the wrong person the wrong thing … we could be screwed.”

“I know that,” I assure him. “We can be cautious around her.”

Jax deliberates momentarily then gives a small nod. “Okay, I’m fine with it, I guess.”

My gaze skates to Zay, and I lift a brow. “What do you think?”

“I think she’s going to drive me crazy,” he mutters. “But whatever. If you guys want to be friends with her, I can’t stop you.”

While that’s not a yes, it’s probably as close as I’m going to get to one.

“Awesome.” Noting the time, I close the file and slide it toward them. “I have to head to tryouts. Go ahead and look through that. There’s not much, but it’s a start.” I stand up, preparing to leave, but then I pause. “Wait—you guys are going to have to ride back with me, since I have the car.”

They’re already sifting through the papers in the folder, and Zay gives a dismissive shake of his head. “We’ll just hang out here for a while and get something to eat. We might go hang out at the bridge and smoke a bowl or two, if we’re feeling ambitious,” Zay tells me. “Just text us when tryouts are over, and we’ll let you know where we’re at.”

“Okay. Cool.” I start toward the door.

“Hunter?” Jax calls out.

I turn around. “Yeah?”

“Good luck,” he tells me with a small smile.

“Thanks.” I leave the diner feeling pretty good. But as soon as I climb into my car, my thoughts drift right back to Raven.

Who is this beautiful, mysterious girl with sad and familiar eyes?

I hope I can find out.

I also hope I’m not making a mistake by trusting my gut instinct and befriending her.



I keep expectingsomething to happen during school, like show up at my locker and find the word:murdererpainted across it, which wouldn’t be the first time. By the end of the day, however, nothing has happened. So weird. Usually, Dixie May follows through with her threats right away.

I don’t relax as I grab my stuff and head out of the school, weaving around people cramming up the hallway. No one glances in my direction. Well, a few people do, but mostly out of curiosity over the new girl. It’s a weird feeling, not having people look at me like I’m a freak. But I know it won’t last.

Sighing at that thought, I push through the doors and search the area for my aunt’s car. Yeah, I know she said she wouldn’t give me a ride home, but if I sneak into the car and refuse to get out, she won’t have a choice.

But I can’t find it anywhere.

So weird. I mean, she has to pick up Dixie May, right? What if Dixie May got a ride home from one of her new friends that I’m sure she’s made? Crap, if that’s the case, then I’m screwed since I don’t even know what bus I’m supposed to be riding.

Sighing, I make a U-turn to go back to the main office and find out. But when I arrive there, no one is at the front desk. I wait a while before the secretary shows up.
