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“Let me ask her.” He pauses, then snaps, “Dude, I’m not gonna do that. I’llask… Hey, Raven?”

“Um … yeah?” I reply with a drop of apprehension.

“This is going to sound a bit weird, but I promise it’s not,” he starts. “I just … Well, Zay, Jax, and I want to talk to you to really quickly.”

“Like right now?”

“Yeah … They’re in my car, parked out in the forest right over there.” He nods in the direction of the trees covering the landscape of the property bordering the yard.

I nervously fidget with the leather band on my wrist. He wants me to go into the dark forest with him to meet up with his two friends, one who for sure hates me?

He steps toward me, and suddenly, I feel his hand cover mine. “I promise you’ll be safe with me.” He gently squeezes my hand.

I could quite possibly be a dumbass for trusting him, but the reality is that going into the house with my uncle probably isn’t any less dangerous than going with Hunter. So, I nod.

“All right, yeah, I’ll go.”

“Awesome.” He releases my hand. “Did I mention you’re the best BFF ever?”

I giggle at that. “You know Harlow already claimed me as her best friend.”

“We’ll see about that,” he teases, then takes my hand again and tows me with him as he hurries across the backyard. “And FYI, you have the cutest giggle ever.”

“I do not,” I protest. “I don’t even giggle.”

“You totally do,” he assures me. “In fact, you just did it one minute ago.”

I scrunch up my nose. “Did I?”

“Yep. Don’t worry; it’s cute, not obnoxious.”

Unsure what to make of what he says, I press my lips together, warmth rushing to my cheeks.

I’m blushing. I never blush. What the crap is wrong with me?

“Why do I get the feeling you’re blushing right now?” he asks amusedly, his boots scuffing against the ground.

“I’m not,” I lie, jogging to keep up with him, my side groaning in protest. But I ignore the pain, something I’m becoming a pro at.

“And now I get the feeling you’re lying,” he teases as he steers me into the trees.

I swat a few branches out of the way. “I never lie.”

He snorts a laugh. “I call total bullshit on that.”

I laugh, too. “Okay, it’s total bullshit.”

“Well, at least you’re honest about that.”

“Yeah, at least there’s that.”

We’re both laughing at ourselves as the trees suddenly part and open up into a flat clearing. Without tree branches canopying above us, the moonlight cascades across the area. And parked right smack dab in the middle of it is Hunter’s car. The lights are off inside, but I can make out the silhouettes of two figures, one sitting in the driver’s seat and one sitting in the back. Jax and Zay, I’m guessing.

Hunter pulls me over to the passenger side and opens the door. Then he lets go of my hand. “You wanna sit in the back or the front?”

My gaze dances across the inside of the car. Now that I’m close, I see that Zay is in the driver’s seat and Jax is in the back. Out of the two options …“I’ll sit in the back,” I say then move to climb in, but he gently snags me by the elbow.

He leans in and whispers, “Zay’s not going to be a dick to you anymore. I talked to him.”
