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“Aye, I will.” Finn paused for a beat. “What the hell was that about, Duncan?”

“Everyone keeps asking me that same question and I cannae give them an answer, Finn. Let’s take care o’ our wounded first and ask those questions later.”

Duncan rushed out of Keir's bedchamber to check on Elaine.She had fought those soldiers with skill, as if she were a warrior herself. Had she been one in the place where she came from? He had to admit, he'd never seen anything like it from a woman with such a slim build. Even now, he was astounded that she had managed to deflect a soldier nearly twice her size. There was a lot he did not know about her, as it seems. He had almost lost her, and as he reflected on it, his final words to her had been callous and cruel.

Arriving at her chamber, he took a deep breath and tapped lightly on the door.

“Come in,” she said.

Elaine sat on the end of her bed, her head in her hands with her elbows resting upon her knees. Closing the door quietly behind him, Duncan approached and stood before her.

“Are ye hurt?”

‘Nae,” she said heavily. She shook her head but did not lift it.

“Are ye certain?” he pressed.

“Aye,” she replied again, but still did not move.

He took another step forward and gently took one of her hands, pulling her forward so she had no choice but to stand. “Let me tak’ a look at ye.”

‘I’m fine,” she said angrily, pulling her hand from his and turning away from him.

‘Aye, ye sound like it.”

She remained with her back to him for a long moment, but Duncan was not giving up. “Elaine,” he sighed, his tone a little softer. Placing both hands on her shoulders, he slowly turned her round to face him. She still did not lift her head. Putting his fingers beneath her chin, he lifted her face to look at him and pierced her gaze.

Her eyes were red and puffy, a clear sign she had been crying. He could not know her reason, but likely the overwhelm of what had just occurred.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his tone still gentle.

Only then did she meet his gaze. The green of her eyes sparkled with the residue of her tears and as he gazed down at her, all he could see was pain.

“I am truly sorry,” he said again. “I shouldnae have spoken tae ye like that in front o’ everyone.”

She suddenly laughed in bewilderment. “That is what yer concerned about?” she asked incredulously. “After what just happened?”

“Nae, it’s nae, but it’s important tae me in this moment. Ye cannae ken the thoughts flying through my head, but I will deal with them later. Now, my concern is ye.”

The reply seemed to silence her.

“It was wrong of me tae humiliate ye in front o’ everyone. I was jealous o’ how ye were behaving with Finn, but I should have waited and spoken tae ye privately.”

Duncan turned and walked a few steps away from her. “But ye must understand, Elaine. Ye aremymistress. Ye cannae flirt with another man so openly as ye did today.”

“I wasnae flirting…” Elaine began before suddenly frowning as she looked at him. “Oh, my God, yer bleeding!” she gasped, rushing toward him to take a closer look.

“I’m fine.” He moved his injured arm away from her. “I’ll clean it when I bathe shortly. I still have tae check what damages we’ve incurred, but I wanted tae see ye first.”

“Ye need nae have worried. I’m fine.”

“Ye just battled more than one soldier that was twice yer size, Elaine. I can hardly believe that.” Duncan frowned.

“I’m a little bruised, but I cannae feel much o’ it now.”

“That’s nae exactly what I meant, Elaine,” he said, taking another step closer to her. “Ye battled a man and had I nae arrived, ye would be killed. Tae protect people ye barely know.”

“How is Keir?” she suddenly asked.

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