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Duncan snorted and shook his head in disbelief as he stared at her. This woman! She was clearly strong in every way, not just physically. He struggled to comprehend such strength of character.He smiled softly, his gaze fixed on the beautiful, yet formidable, woman who stood before him.

“What?” she frowned at his reaction.

“Have ye any idea what ye did for my mother and brother, Elaine?” Duncan said, taking a step toward her, needing to be near her. Perhaps, it was the aftereffects of the battle, or perhaps it had been his growing feelings for her. It didn’t really matter. Her bravery only added to her appeal.

She looked at him for another long moment before what he was referring to seemed to suddenly sink in. She then appeared a little bashful, diminishing her efforts.

“I did what anyone else would’ve done,” she shrugged.

“Nae, ye didnae,” Duncan replied, brushing his fingers across the soft skin of her cheeks. “Any other woman would’ve run and hid. Especially a woman who had nae connection tae the people she was protecting.”

Elaine looked a little nervous at his tender caress, and with a small shake of her head, appeared to be ignoring his advances. “I cannae believe that. Keir was out of it. Yer mother was trying tae help him,” she said. Duncan was listening, but now softly stroked the strands of hair near her ear. “I mean…” she began to struggle, for clearly, his actions were distracting her. “What person would run away and leave them tae their death?”

Though his attention was slightly diverted, he could see in her eyes that she truly believed her own words. He couldn't understand it, but at the time, he didn't care. He'd been watching her mouth as she spoke, remembering that first kiss he'd stolen from her. He wished to relive that sensation. Taking another half-step toward her, she now stood inches away. Duncan could only look down at her with admiration and wonder, and...yearning.

“Ye are quite something, Elaine,” he growled.

He lowered his lips and kissed her, her lips as soft as he remembered. She did not resist. She kissed him back, lifting herself to him. It was a pleasant sensation, but not entirely unexpected. He sensed her booming passion. Duncan wanted to see where this single kiss could take him, but he knew he couldn't linger. There was a lot to do, and while he didn't want to leave her at that moment, he had little choice.

Eventually, he pulled away. He smiled down at her as she stood before him, her eyes still closed, locked in the moment. When she opened them, she had a beautiful bloom of red on her cheeks and a shy smile on her lips. He didn't know how she could appear so innocent given what she did for a living, but he liked it.

“Tae answer yer question,” Duncan said, finally taking a step away. “Keir is fine and well. Finn is with him right now, taking good care of him. Only for yer actions, Elaine, I likely wouldnae have a brother or mother any longer, and I cannae put intae words my gratitude for what ye did.”

It was then, that she dropped her gaze, as though his praise and gratefulness embarrassed her.

“Yer a brave woman, Elaine. Ye should be proud o’ what ye did here today.”

She remained silent, nodding hesitantly. He clearly couldn't persuade her of her bravery, and there was nothing he could do about it. Duncan needed to investigate the castle andsee what damage had been done during the invasion and what losses they had sustained. While the attacking soldiers had been vastly outnumbered, he doubted that those present in the castle had escaped unscathed.

“I must check on the castle, Elaine. Will ye please stay here until I ask for ye? I dinnae ken that all the danger is away yet, and I cannae think about ye getting hurt.”

“Of course,” Elaine replied and touched her lips unintentionally, causing him to smile.


* * *

Elaine sighed heavily as she watched the door close behind him and fell back to the end of the bed. She smiled to herself, bringing her fingers to her lips. Her stomach had twisted in knots as his lips caressed hers. And, while she had expected it, she was still taken aback by how good it felt.

A moment later, however, her smile fell as she allowed herself to think of the danger she had been in as she battled those soldiers, and how close she had come to death. And how the destruction and mayhem had been partly her fault. Duncan could sing her praises all he wanted, telling her how wonderful a person she was for saving his mother and brother. And yet, how could she truly accept his commendation? The mystery man had caused the horrific intrusion and she was in on the plan.

Duncan would be less grateful if he found out. Of course, she couldn't bear sole responsibility. However, if she had not agreed to this entire ruse in the first place, the invasion would not have happened. Though she could not have expected an ambush on the castle when that evil man said he would cause a distraction.

In any case, it should have been Elaine thanking Duncan. She would have been killed if he hadn't arrived when he did. At least Keir and Lady MacDougall were unharmed. She couldn't speak for anyone else in the castle, and the guilt of what she'd done welled up inside her. It wasn't the only thing on her mind, though, since Duncan's other words were equally significant.

Elaine had not given much thought—at the time he had asked her to be his mistress—to what her role would require of her. Having previously been a free agent, being told who she could and could not speak with angeredher, especially since Duncan had publicly humiliated her. She'd sat alone in that Great Hall, ostracized by people who didn't know anything about her. Finn's company, as well as his support, had been a welcome reprieve. But shehad no idea how much trouble their conversation would cause. It had been obvious by his anger that Duncan had been jealous. Had Elaine been a little more perceptive, it might have been wise to act more discreetly, especially when laughing at Finn’s tales.

She hated to admit it, but her role did mean she was Duncan’s possession, and there was little she could do but play along. If she wished to remain in the castle and save Rhona, she could not risk the laird throwing her out before she could claim the ring she so desperately sought.

As the mystery man had correctly foretold, Duncan had not been wearing it before the battle began, for it was still absent from his finger when he came to see her. She was supposed to have used the cover of battle to search for it. Yet, how could she have stood by and watch Lady MacDougall or Keir get hurt?

That being said, Duncan was now busy surveying the damage to the castle and would not be in his bedchamber, likely for some time. She was being given another chance and she needed to take it while there was still time.


Elaine hesitated, even though she knew she should seize the opportunity. Duncan didn't have to apologize for his actions—he was the laird, after all. Yet, he did. While she had come to the castle with some preconceived notions and expectations about him, hehad proven to be far from the evil monster she had imagined. In fact, she'd found him to be the polar opposite. She got to know him better as she spent more time with him. She couldn't ignore the growing feelings either. That had not been the plan, but he had gradually won her affections with his boyish ways and protective disposition.

Yet, Rhona was still in dreadful danger.
