Page 73 of Savage Beast

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“Can you tell us what you saw?” I tense, Cairo being the ever observant being that he is, notices and tightens his hold on me. I’m not sure how to explain what I saw, it was horrific and disgusting, no one––I mean no one, should ever have to go through what Sky is going through right now. Cairo draws soothing circles on my back with one hand and has his other splayed across my abdomen protectively, I swoon a little. I take a few deep breaths trying to build the courage, I need to tell them what I saw.

By the time I finish telling them wat I saw Cairo is tense and vibrating with anger, growls continue to tumble out of him, Creed and Cole have their sisters sobbing form wrapped in a tight embrace with looks of murderous rage plastered across their faces. Zeke looks like he is ready to smash something, my brothers even look angry. Alexander and Vince look…impassive. It almost seems like this is something they were expecting, which confuses me.

“I knew she was a spineless cunt from the moment we met her on that fucking island!” The venom in Cole’s tone has an icy shiver sliding down my spine.

“I-I left her alone with my son, I trusted her.” The devastation in Creed’s voice has my heart aching for him, out of the three Reeves siblings, he is the one who let her in. I know her betrayal will be hitting him the hardest, and my heart goes out to him for that.

“I’m going to tear them apart piece by piece until they dieslowlyfrom blood loss.” Zeke sounds so resolute in his vow and the look in his eyes tells me he means every word.

“What the fuck is Kayla doing there?” My gaze swings to Callie, tears continue to stream down her cheeks. “What else was said about tomorrow? Did they say a time?”

“I don’t know who the woman is, she was helping Sky from what I could see. When the moon is at its peak, the power transfer will be done, my vision cut out before a time was confirmedI’m sorry.” Cairo growls again.

“You have nothing to be sorry for beauty, we know more than we did a few hours ago.” He moves his head, so he is staring straight at Alexander. “Why do I get the feeling that Kayla is another one of your plants?” Cole gasps and his eyes widen as he stares at Alexander.

“Holy fuck! Ro is right, she was with you that night when Jacob died, so was Phillip.” Cole starts growling, Creed and Zeke move to restrain him while Alexander sits there with a blank look on his face.

“You need to explain yourself now.” I snap at Alex.

“I was there that night because I had recon to do.”

“You stood by and did nothing!” Cole shouts.

“I needed the council leader to believe I was on his side; Kayla was Jacob’s captive, and no one expected him to transfer his alpha power to her.” Creed’s face morphs from anger to shock.

“Wait, so Kayla is an alpha? That means Jess isn’t the only female anymore.”

“No Mr. Reeves, your wife is the first and Kayla Michaelson is the second. I made a deal with her, if she agreed to work for me and infiltrate the council, I would make sure that her father never made it out of that fight with your wife alive.”

“Why Kayla?” Cole growls, he’s vibrating with anger, and I don’t understand why he is so upset over this woman being a mole.

“Because once Phillip realized that he could have a female alpha of his own, it wasn’t hard to get her in. Phillip believes that Kayla wants to be part of thenewcouncil, in reality she hates them about as much as she hated her father. She blames them for her father having free reign to do whatever he wanted with her, she is an asset, and without her, none of us would’ve known where Skylar is being held.”

“So, you know when they will move her?” He shakes his head in answer to my question.

“No, she is still not part of their inner circle yet, so all details concerning Sky are kept close to the council’s chest. What we do know, is they have two other witches with them, from the information we know, they have no desire to be there and wish to return to their coven.”

“Kayla told you that?” Z asks.

“Yes, she made a deal with the witches and guaranteed their safety home, if they agreed not to participate in the event tomorrow night.”

“Why the fuck would they agree to that?” Creed snaps at him.

“Because they were taken from their covens against their own will, how Phillip managed to accomplish that is beyond me. He’s under the impression that if Sky’s power transfers over to him, he’ll be able to eradicate all other races and rule over the entirety of the shifters.”

“Why are all men ruled by the need for power.” I grumble.

“Phillip is a pest; he is only on the council because his father and grandfather were fierce and respected warriors, so their kin are automatically granted a place on the council. Phillip has never fought a battle or seen a war, his father did him the disservice of keeping him sheltered, but in reality, all it did was create an entitled pest.”

“From what I saw, Sky is battling to remain in control of her own power. Even with these witches agreeing not to take part in whatever it is, how do we stop Phillip from taking it?” I ask, I’m shocked when it’s Cass that answers and not Alex.

“She’s already chosen her successor.” All eyes are on my brother.

“You’re correct, Skylar may not be able to harness the power inside her, but make no mistake, whoever she chooses will have to be trained by a coven or they will meet the same fate as Sky. I believe Phillip has known about Skylar from the start, I would even go as far as to hedge that he is the culprit who ordered the deaths of her parents.” Growls and curses sprout out around the room.

“Fuck me. Jess was never the target, was she?” Creed’s gaze swings to Cairo in confusion. “He didn’t know I was alive until Jess came back, I served Sky up to him on a silver platter when I came for Jess.” Alexander’s eyes soften as he looks at Ro.

“Yes, he was never able to locate her until you came out of hiding to save your sister. Your sister was a target, he wanted to have the first female alpha, but she no longer matters to him as hethinkshe has Kayla.” Ro shudders beneath me and I know he is warring with his wolf internally over the guilt he is feeling. He didn’t realize saving his sister would cost him the life of his best friend.
