Page 67 of Making the Cut

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“Aw,” Quinn and Jane both coo, and Molly puts a hand over her heart.

“That is the sweetest thing ever,” Molly murmurs. “Are you guys like, official, then?”

See, this is where it gets confusing for me too. He confessed that I’d been the only person he’d ever wanted to be with—which by the way, what!—but then, we didn’t talk past that. Technically speaking, we’re still upholding the ruse for my potential job. But after that? I didn’t know.

“I don’t know. I’m not seeing anyone else.”

“Is he?”

I frown. “I don’t think so.”

“It’s Archer,” Jane comments, looking me dead in the eyes. “Even I, in my short what, year that I’ve known him, have seen the way he looks at you. There’s no way he’s not fully in.”

That’s how it feels when we’re together. When we’re alone.

But… “Does your brother know?”

“No,” I answer immediately, thinking over in my head how that particular scene will go down when my brother does find out. “I don’t quite know how to tell him. Plus, he’s so busy.”

“He is,” April says with a frown. “I haven’t seen him in weeks.”

“Me either,” Jane comments. Then, she looks back at me, “But how does being with him feel?”

“It feels… like something clicking into place,” I admit. “We’re just moving at breakneck speed.”

“Are you sure you’re moving too fast?” April asks, raising a brow. “Because we’ve been waiting years for this to happen.”

I smile at that. I wonder who else knew that we’d been harboring feelings for each other all these years.

Then I think about how it feels when I’m with him and if it really does feel fast and if I’m being honest… “No, it doesn’t feel fast. It feels right.”

“Well.” Molly clears her throat and raises her glass. “To Viv, for finally getting Archer’sD.”

“Molly!” Jane scoffs, looking between her and April. “What is with you two tonight?”

April shrugs and looks at us. “We like theD.”

Quinn bursts out laughing.

Chapter Thirty-Four

“At the beginning of something new and amazing, it’s easy to say that you can handle it. You haven’t been through it yet.” – Jane


“Sorry about all this, guys, I’ll get it sorted and we’ll get it back up and running pronto.” Henry Blake looks us over after we all witnessed him coming on the lot and firing Devon. “We’re going to need to work our tails off. We don’t like unhappy customers and this was supposed to be finished at the end of the month.”

Henry dismisses us, and I relax, sighing. What a mess.

“Archer!” I turn at the sound of my name and see Henry waving me over to his truck.

Nerves crawl up my spine.

I was the reason that attention was drawn to Devon. But I kept reminding myself that he was doing a shit job and showing up drunk when he finally did show up, so I had no reason to feel guilty.

Still, a nervous “you’re about to be fired” feeling settles low in my gut.

Fuck. I don’t want to be fired. I want this to stick, I want to move up and make enough money to live comfortably and take Viv anywhere she wants to go. I want to build our lives together.
