Page 68 of Making the Cut

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Sooner rather than later. So if I get fired, that pushes that dream further away.

“Yes, sir,” I say as I approach him.

Henry sighs and shakes his head. “What a shit show. I had no idea he was this far behind.”

I nod and look over the site, most everyone is milling around, awaiting what needs to be done. “I think if we work it right, we can get it there. It might not be smooth sailing though.” Assuming I still have a job after this conversation.

“See, that right there.” He points at me and stands to his full height. “That’s what I need. Someone who can come in and not be afraid to get the job done in fear of not getting another one.”

I frown. “Is that why Devon didn’t keep working?”

He shakes his head. “He knew he was on thin ice as it was, so no, I was probably going to have to shift him somewhere else after this job.”

A demotion. Fuck. What a dick. If I was looking at a demotion or potentially being fired, I would work harder, not drag my feet to keep the money flowing into my pocket.

“So, what now?” I ask, keeping my arms folded tightly over my chest and standing tall.

“Now, you get a chance to step up.” He looks me over, a serious expression on his face.

Shock freezes me. “Sir?”

“I need you to take this over. I need you to be the foreman here. You schedule everything and make sure people are here to get the job done.” He reaches a hand out to mine. “You can do that, right?”

I grasp his hand firmly and push down the nerves. “Yes, sir.”

“Hello?” Viv calls out from her spot on the couch. When she sees it’s me, she lights up and pounces on me. I catch her around the waist and spin her around.

“I’ve got good news!” We both say at the same time. I quirk a brow and look at her. “What’s yours?”

“No, you go first!” She pecks me on the lips, but it’s not enough and I spend the next few minutes exploring her mouth after I’ve pressed her against a wall.

“I want to hear your news first,” I murmur to her, my lips skating down her jaw and to her neck. Fuck, she smells so damn good. I just want to eat her.

What a great idea.

I start to move us toward the bedroom and she giggles. When I toss her on the bed and start to peel her leggings off, she takes a breath and says, “I got the job.”

I stop all that I’m doing and smile at her. “Fuck yes, you did!” I lie over her and kiss the fuck out of her, stroking her tongue with mine until we’re both breathless. I pause to look down at her and her proud smile. “I’m so fucking proud of you, baby.”

Her eyes mist, and she sighs happily. “Thank you.”

I go to kiss her again—I can’t get enough of this woman—and she stops me with a giggle. “Wait, what’s your news?”

My news? My news is I want to get my woman fully naked and ravish her body until the sun comes up tomorrow.

“Uh,” I mumble under her ear, my lips and lower head leading this encounter.

“Archie.” She laughs at me and shoves at my shoulders, and I finally relent. “What happened?”

“Oh.” I take a minute to compose myself. It’s not easy when she’s lying there beneath me, panting heavily. I run my finger along the edge of her neckline and start to peel it down. She slaps my hand.

“News! Now!” She’s smiling broadly as she demands answers and I chuckle.

“I got a promotion at the site. I’m the new foreman.”

Her eyes widen, and a squeal comes out of her. “Archer! That’s amazing!”

I feel a swell of pride rise in my chest at her excitement. I’ve never had someone to share good news with like this before. Granted, my life has not been nonstop promotions and good times, but it’s nice to have someone in my corner that’s not just one of the guys.
