Page 49 of Enemy turned Mate

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“It’s off limits for them, too, even with permits and all. Angelo made sure of it. They will get arrested if they trespass. So will we.”

Her brow rose. “That’s comforting.”

The faint humor in her tone stroked his relief that she was all right. The crease of her forehead told him that the rest would take time, but he had a feeling it had more to do with Sam’s clan than the loss of hers. He let it be and quickened his steps, trying to locate the tree that marked where their territory started. When his vision became blurry, he slowed, then glanced down.

Fog shrouded his feet, making them invisible. It did the same for the rest of the lands ahead, so he looked up to the sky, where he found stars twinkling incessantly. She looked at the sky, too, then looked behind them, frowning. She tapped his arm and pointed as the path behind them was clear, just as it had been when they crossed it minutes ago. Nico bit back a response, the sudden need to be quiet taking over. When he found the tree, he tapped her in turn and strode towards it, wanting them to just get a move on. The fog thickened as they delved in and he calculated the distance towards the hidden cottage.

Tingles plucked his senses and not the good kind. His heart beat heavier the closer they got to the cottage area, weighing him down until it just didn’t feel right. A hand wrapped around his wrist and tugged with intention, and it wasn’t until he glanced back at Anne that he realized he wasn’t the only one feeling it. The whole area was starting to feel off, like something was about to happen.

Not wanting to risk it, he took their makeshift weapons out, ready to launch them at whatever came their way. They kept going until they left North Bear, where the fog thinned down but didn’t disappear. When the gap between them and North Bear grew larger and the heavy sensation diminished, Nico couldn’t stay silent anymore.

“Something’s up.”

“Something’s up,” she confirmed.

That was all he needed to hurry it up, and she wasn’t far behind. He went through the process of going in circles and losing any possible tail, then was racing for the main territory. They stopped in their tracks at the sight of more heavy fog clouding over the grounds.

“Or maybe it’s a Fae thing again,” he muttered.


Nothing in her tone indicated that she didn’t agree with his new statement, but he felt it. A wide smile greeted them upon crossing the invisible barrier, oozing with charm.

“My God, Nico, I didn’t expect you of all people to take a vacation and finally enjoy your life. Good for you,” Billy praised, then winked at Anne. “And you.”

“Me?” Anne repeated.

“You are the one who got my man out of here and off to live his life. Consider me a fan.”

Anne gawked. Nico inwardly groaned. “Billy, it wasn’t a vacation. It was business.” He pointed. “Did we get another storm warning?”

“Change of topic, I see,” Billy smirked. But he let it go and shrugged. “No news, but it’s been like that recently. I presume it’s going to rain soon.”

That gave some comfort. The rain fell at night, and everyone wandered indoors. It should have been the end of the topic as he settled in bed while Anne joined a few shifters in the mansion’s living room. But restlessness seized him, refusing to go away. When he went back out and didn’t see Anne with the rest, Nico continued walking until he found her at the side of the mansion. The outdoor activity center and greenhouse had become invisible in the weather onslaught, and all they could see were glimpses every time lightning streaked in.

“Cold weather,” he mused.

“Yes. This rain is going to last all night, I think.”




“What did you feel in North Bear?”

She stiffened, then didn’t respond for a while. Part of him wanted to file it down to paranoia and having a bad experience there, but her answer confirmed his suspicions.


“Well, shit. I guess I have to do something about it.”

He traipsed off towards Angelo’s office, then glanced back when he realized he wasn’t alone. Anne shrugged.

“Maybe I can provide details you missed and vice versa.”

He bit back a grin. Ten minutes later, Angelo’s brows had furrowed by the time they were done with their report.
