Page 33 of Her Mafia King

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It wasn’t a question I expected. I nodded. “I have.”


“She’s beautiful. Smart. Young.” I looked at him. “Just graduated college.”

“But you’re not interested in a beautiful young girl?”

“The hotel is the cornerstone for your entire plan. Trading Lucien’s daughter for that property isn’t a good move for you.” I couldn’t even bear to say Kennedy’s name out loud.

“What about for you?”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

He crossed his arms. “The bastard isn’t going to have the hotel. I don’t care if his daughter is a god damn Miss Universe playmate.”

“I know, Dad. It’s exactly what I said to him.”


I paused at the door. I was ready for the meeting to be over.

“Last time Lucien came up, you said he sent an emissary in his place for the meeting.”

“Yes.” Fuck. He was putting pieces together.

“When did you see him then?”

“At his house.” I couldn’t lie.

“Some sort of follow up meeting?”

I shook my head. “No, I wasn’t there to see Lucien.”

“Why then?” he pressed.

“I was there to see his daughter.”

He peered at me. “What the hell is going on, Knight? Your sister’s wedding is in two weeks. Two fucking weeks. I’m running around trying on tuxedos and eating cakes your mother puts on a plate for me. I don’t need to worry about you getting fucked over by Lucien Martin’s daughter. You have some thing for her after all? Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Feelings? What is it? Are you just screwing her?” He shook his head. His face turned red. “The man is a con. He’s not one of us. He never will be. He’s about to learn the price for trying to interfere with my business. You don’t need to be anywhere near that family.”

I stared at him. “Five minutes ago, you wanted to know if I was interested in marrying her. Now you’re saying she’s off-limits?”

“His offer is rejected. No deal. No daughter-in-law.” He pulled the letter from the desk and shredded it. I watched the tiny pieces float to the trashcan.

I needed space to breathe. “Okay, Dad.” But it wasn’t okay. And I still couldn’t figure out why. “I’m out.”

“We have dinner tonight with Seraphina and Brandon.”

But I kept walking without acknowledging the family plans or the dinner. I didn’t acknowledge his tirade. I didn’t argue again about how he had decided on one extreme then the other. I had to find some air.

* * *

“I’m surprised you called.”

“Sorry, man.”

Parker shrugged. “It’s been a few weeks.”

“You know. Wedding shit for Seraphina.” I had started lying to my friends. When had I become the asshole?
