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“I probably would’ve slept for another few hours, but I forgot to close the curtains in my room last night. The sun is not my best friend this morning.” Sliding her breakfast around the island, she climbs onto one of the full-backed bar stools.

My gaze betrays me, running over the black leggings painting her curves and giving me all kinds of thoughts I shouldn’t have. I’m unsure if I’m relieved or annoyed she’s wearing an oversized cropped sweatshirt rather than something revealing, like a sports top.

“How long have you been up?” She dips her spoon into her bowl, drowning the flakes in milk.

“I don’t know. Over an hour? I’ve already gone for a run.”

“Well, well, well. Would you like a gold star?”

“Yes, please, and you can plant it right here next to your lips.” I slap my ass with a cheeky grin.

The spoon stills on its way to her mouth, holding there for a good ten seconds before she seems to shake my comment off. “Did you get anything to eat yet? There’s cereal or eggs in the fridge, if you want to get fancy.”

“Yeah, I’ll get something. I just want to shower first.”

“Well, before you do that, Mr. Athletic, how are you on a bike?”

My pulse kicks up, adrenaline filling my veins. “I can hold my own. What did you have in mind?”

“Wanna go for a ride? I mean unless you’re too tired after your run.” She hides her smile by shoveling a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

Brat.Moving to stand behind her, I curve over her chair. “Don’t you worry, Spitfire,” I whisper, my lips in danger of brushing her neck, “I have plenty of stamina.”

Nova chokes on frosted wheat flakes and a laugh, pinning her scowl on me as I round the island in search of a bowl.

“Perfect. Whitefish has a ton of trails. We can take the chairlift up and bike the trails down.”

Yup, I’d never leave here.

“I imagine one of the million pairs of hiking boots downstairs will fit you if you don’t mind borrowing some. And, you saw the bikes and all the protective equipment.”

Saw the bikes? I was trying to figure out how to take one apart and fit it in my suitcase. Hiding my excitement, I give a nonchalant shrug. “Sounds like a plan. Just let me call my mom, then we can go.”

* * *

Three scraped shins, two near disasters, and one call to bike patrol later, we’re limping into the house soaked with sweat and bone tired, our laughter echoing through the valley as we groan at the prospect of climbing the short staircase to the house’s main level.

Guzzling a couple water bottles, we lean against the kitchen island, cooling off. I run the back of my arm across my damp forehead with a heavy exhale.

“How’s that stamina now?”

“Why? You want to test it?” I smirk.

Nova shoves my shoulder, and I’m so worn out I stumble to the side with a laugh.

“I know it’s early, but you wanna grab a bunch of junk food and watch tv in bed?”

“Ohhh…in bed. Scandalous.” I nudge her waist.

She laughs. “Knock it off. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to move once I sit.”

“After that mountain trail, I wouldn’t hate a vegging day.”

“I knew you were talking a big game.”

“Two different kinds of stamina, Spitfire.” I wink.

eleven | nova
