Page 75 of Fierce-Ivan

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“There isn’t anything wrong with that.”

“And I heard you comment on Cameron being home alone with us while Regan is at my mom’s. He likes being away from his sister.”

“That’s not nice,” she said.

“I know. He’d rather play with his male cousins than with Regan and her dolls.”

“Sounds sexist to me,” she said, winking.

“So I’ve heard from a lot of the women in my family. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve gotten on the floor with Regan to play with her dolls to let Cameron know it’s fine.”

Talk about super sweet.

“And does it help?”

“Nope,” Cade said. “He wants his cars. He’ll play with the dolls if he can stick them in the cars and race them up and down the room.”

“Sounds like a good compromise.”

“Not in Regan’s eyes. She dresses them up and Cameron messes them up. Unfortunately, my daughter is like Ella and Cameron is like me. As my mother would say, payback is a bitch.”

“Was there something I could help you with?” she asked. She still was paid to do a job, not stand around talking.

“No. I heard you talking with Ella and wanted to make sure she wasn’t overdoing it. Sometimes you can’t tell her anything, but we do try to keep an eye on her. Travis won’t let her overextend herself. I had this same problem with Alex when she had the twins.”

“It’s hard when it’s your own business.”

“It is. But having two babies at once is hard too.”

“Especially when one of you can’t change a dirty diaper,” Kelly said, coming to stand in the doorway.

“As much as I’d love more kids, my wife has said no. I’m not sure I want to see her going through it again either. The diapers weren’t that bad...if they just had pee in them.”

“If only life was that easy,” Kendra said.

Cade walked away and Kelly came in. It was going to turn into one of those days where she wasn’t going to get much work done, but she was damn well getting out of here on time.

She had plans and she wasn’t breaking them.

Last week she’d been busier than she’d thought she’d be and didn’t get to see Ivan at all during the week. That was why she’d stayed Friday and Saturday again.

Her mother had been thrilled, but she wasn’t doing it for those reasons.

Maybe it was like dipping her toe in the ice-cold water to warm up before she took the plunge.

Then she told herself there was no plunge to take.

They’d been dating three months.

They were in a good spot.

A perfect spot in her eyes.

They both had lives outside of each other and it was working better than it had with anyone else she’d dated.

Why rock the boat when it was so steady in the water?

“Was there something you needed?” she asked Kelly.
