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“You need allies?” he asked.

She shook her head. “You know what I mean. This is going to be my new home and I intend to be loved here.”

“It isnae yet yer home, My Lady,” he told her. “I dinnae have anythin’ against ye, however. I merely wished to thank ye.”

He bowed, then walked away from her.

Isla scoffed as she watched him retreat. She had a strange feeling about Jamie, and she planned to tell Jack about it.


Jack finished his activities in the village on time the next afternoon, and the only thought on his mind as he rode back to the Castle was Isla. He wanted to spend time with her as she had been in his thoughts for days unending now.

There’s no avoiding thoughts of her now.Since he couldn’t get her out of his head, he decided to enjoy her company instead.

What could it hurt?Besides, he missed her laugh, and he wanted to see her smile.

When he arrived the Castle, he asked her servant Faye for her whereabouts.

“The garden, My Laird,” Faye answered before he marched toward the garden to find her.

Moira and Isla were giggling at something when he entered, and Moira rose to her feet to curtsy.

“How are ye, my ladies?” he asked them both before walking to Isla and taking her hand to help her to her feet.

“It’s a lovely afternoon,” Isla answered. “The sun is not too tough today and Moira and I were just talking about riding on the moors.”

Jack’s gaze flickered over hers, and the flush that appeared on her cheeks made him shiver inside. Whenever he stared at her lips, he remembered their kiss and the passionate way she responded to him.

He had never felt hat like that before. It toyed with his senses and constantly made him crave more of her.

“Ridin’ sounds excitin’,” he answered her after a few seconds of them staring at each other passed.

Jack turned when Moira said, “I will excuse myself now, My Laird… I must attend to patients.”

Moira curtsied and hurried away before he could say anything else, and he faced Isla again.

She wore a sheepish grin when he looked at her, and unable to stop himself, he reached out and stroked a thumb over her cheek.

“Ye ready?”

“I bet I can win ye in a ride today,” she answered, then tugged her hand free from his and began running toward the stables.

Jack followed. Isla giggled loud as she held the hem of her dress and ran. He doubled his pace to meet up with her and reached out to grab her waist once he drew close.

Her body plastered against his and she laughed and having her close stirred his hardness until he couldn’t breathe properly.

His hands were wrapped around her waist now, and her chest heaved as it pressed against his chest.

Jack only had to lower his gaze, then he could see her lips and the creamy skin of her breasts.

Oh, Heavens—

He felt giddy with desire, and his head inched forward before he could stop himself from moving closer to her.

They heard footsteps approach and broke apart immediately.

Isla plastered her hands on her cheeks and looked away from him while Jack cleared his throat and tried to control the rush of excitement that surged through him and screamed at his nerves to come alive.
