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“I am all right, they dinnae hurt me,” she told him as he held her arms and brought her into his embrace for a tight hug. “They used me as bait to lure ye out. It could have been a trap.”

“I dinnae come here alone,” he replied. “I knew it would be dangerous.”

Jack did not release her even as he spoke, and she snuggled deeper into his arms. Isla let herself enjoy the comfort for some seconds before she pulled back.

“I heard all he asked of you.”


“I will return to my time soon. You should make the choice to wed his daughter now before it is late. Do not let your Clan suffer and do not lose an ally.”

“The Master is nay actin’ on his own. He isnae fool to break faith with my Clan. I believe someone is influencin’ his actions. I just need to find out who.”


“No buts now, Isla. Let us return home first, we will talk about this later.”

He took her hand and linked their fingers, then led her toward where his men waited.

Isla saw Jamie and Aideen standing with over a hundred men Jack had brought here to fight for her.

She mounted his saddle quietly then he did too, and they started the journey back. Heat from his body pressed against her backside the entire bumpy ride. Isla grew more aware of him… his scent, his strength and her own heartbeat hammering harder against her ribcage.

The night’s heavy wind blew at her skin and made it difficult for her to hold back her tears. If the gypsy had wanted to cause her pain then she had succeeded because Isla’s heart clenched tight.

She could count the days until she left this place. Staying was no longer an option. Jack’s safety and his Clan’s prosperity mattered more than her feelings.

Jack’s Clan would suffer if she did not, and she could never let that happen.

Not when she had fallen this deeply in love with him.

* * *

They arrived at Jack’s Castle the next morning, and Isla was fast asleep. Jack carried her into her chamber, then he dismissed all his guards and servants. He sat with her on the bed and watched her sleep.

Isla’s soft breaths filled the quiet chamber and helped him relax.

Jack massaged the back of his neck after that and closed his eyes for a while.

He had to decide fast and stick to it. If Master Calloway wanted him to take his daughter to wife, then it was a better option than paying them so much gold every time his Clansmen needed to use the borders for their business.

Isla would leave and he would need a wife anyway. What was the point of refusing the Master’s proposition?

He hated that he had to make this choice when all his heart wanted was to have her to himself. If fate had brought them together, then why did they need to be apart?

He left her chamber after watching her sleep the entire night, then went into his study to read his tax reports. By morning, Jack had barely gotten a few hours of sleep when he heard resounding footsteps close in on his chamber.

The door opened after a swift knock. Aideen and Elliot walked in, and the tight look on both their faces made his stomach clench. His posture squared and he dreaded whatever news they brought.

What had happened this time?

“There’s been a fire in the village,” Aideen announced in a cold tone. Jack’s pulse instantly skyrocketed alongside the tension eating through his nerves.

Elliot took over next. “The farmers have lost most of their lands and crops for the season. The flames leak higher into the sky as we speak. The ranchers have lost lands, cattle, and sheep. There is chaos in Onich, My Laird.”

“All of this happened in one night?” Jack queried as he rose from his chair in panic. “Summon the village heads.”

“I did, My Laird,” Aideen answered. “They caught some men in Onich’s main village. Brigands who had attacked the fields and set flames to it. The guards bring them here as we speak.”
