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Jack covered her lips with his for a tender kiss, and he took his time to explore her mouth until she was breathless. Tears welled up in her eyes when he let her go. Next he kissed her forehead, then her nose and lips again.

“I still want ye, Isla,” he told her when he felt his body harden in response to her nearness. Isla’s reply was to shift and move closer to his body.

She moved the hand on her waist down to her bottom and placed it there.

“I’m yours.”

They needed no more words. They made love passionately into the morning. Jack intended to fill his mind and soul with her.

He needed the images of her in ecstasy in his head. It was the only way he could get through the rest of his life without her.

The second time she fell asleep, he lay awake to watch her and once first light came, he slowly got out of bed and started to get dressed.

“Stay longer,” Isla called when she sat up in the bed. Her naked body begged for his attention. The slope of her breasts and the slight part of her rosy, pink lips.

“I want to,” he told and moved to the bed so he could sit and take her hand in his. “But ye must return to yer time, and I must get back to my Clan.”

Jack was struggling with the urge to throw all sense of reasoning to the wind and just lie there with her.

“I know what we must do, it’s just—” she said and closed her yes. He saw a tear slide down her cheek and he told himself he had to stay strong else he would never be able to leave.

Jack stilled his heart while his thumb stroked over her wet cheek. “Dinnae cry… I beg ye,” he pleaded. “It makes this harder for me.”

“I will miss ye, Jack,” she whispered.

He kissed her again, and let his tongue delve deep into her mouth before he rose to his feet. her taste lingered on his lips and his heart thundered against his ribcage like it would break free from it.

“Ye must leave before I do,” he told her as she got on her feet and put on her earasaid. He watched her comb her fingers through her hair and took in every sensuous move of her body.

I will always remember her.Jack had never expected to fall in love with any woman, yet alone one who did not belong in his time.

His heart would go with Isla… he was certain of that, but he couldn’t say a thing, else he would cling to her and beg her not to ever leave.

“Goodbye,” Isla said first after she finished dressing. She looked at him one last time, then closed the distance between them and hugged him tight.

Jack nodded. His throat tightened so he couldn’t speak, and once she dashed out of the cottage, he picked his sword, sheathed it into his side and headed out to return to his Clan.

* * *

Jack didn’t make it far before he noticed the cloaked rider catching his pace from behind. He straightened his frame in his saddle, kicked the sides of his horse, and galloped through the fields.

His heart raced, and fear pumped through him. Jack realized the rider behind him had the intention of following his every move.

When he took a right turn, the cloaked man did the same, then drew out a bow, aimed and fired an arrow toward Jack.

Jack ducked to evade the arrow, and he lost his balance. He toppled off his saddle, landed hard on the ground, and rolled while every inch of his body slammed against the hardened ground.

His spooked horse neighed and hurried away. Jack groaned and opened his eyes. He fought the pain racing through every nerve in his body and fought to stand erect.

When he got on his feet, his attacker had reached him, with a drawn sword.

“Show yerself,” Jack said in a tensed voice as he held his aching sides. The stich Isla made yesterday on his wound must have ripped open because of his fall. He could feel warmth seep onto his fingers, and when he looked down, there was a little blood. “Who sent ye?”

“What does that matter?” the man replied. “Ye are goin’ to die here today anyway. Yer brother is dead, and so is everyone else ye care about. Once ye die… none of it will matter.”

Jack scoffed, then touched the head of his sword and drew it out, pointed it at his attacker, he answered, “Then show yer face if I am goin’ to die. I want to see the face my killer at least.”

The man hesitated, then he slowly took off the cloak and the black cloth wrapped over his mouth and nose. Jack stared into the darkest eyes he had ever seen, and a shiver raced up his spine as he took in the man’s fierce looks.
