Page 23 of Let It Snow

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“Now.” Snow’s voice was every bit as breathy as Amanda’s.

Their lips touched. Snow almost forgot to press the distance shutter for the camera, but fortunately she remembered at the last moment. She snapped a few more shots, which maybe weren’t strictly necessary, just to prolong the feeling of Amanda’s lips on hers.

She regretfully pulled back. Amanda’s eyes fluttered open, and they were starting at each other, both lost for words. Even though they hadn’t kissed properly, it felt more intimate than the kiss they had shared the other day. Less hot, but more intimate.

“I think we’re done.”

Snow didn’t think she was imagining the disappointment mirrored on Amanda’s face. She felt the same, but she couldn’t justify taking up any more of Amanda’s day. This was a professional visit, after all. She needed to keep that in mind.

“Thank you, Snow.”

“Tell me when you’ve found a family to model and I’ll come and take the proper shots.”

“I think you just have.”

Snow glowed internally. She had just meant for these to be practice shots, but she loved that Amanda liked them so much she would use them on her Christmas cards.

“If you agree, that is. Are you happy for you and Bluebell to be on my Christmas cards?”

“What do you think, Bluebell? Do you want to be on a Christmas card?”

“Ooh, Mom, please, can I? That would be so cool!”

Snow grinned. “You heard her. Sign us up.”

“Thank you, Snow. I’ll make sure to credit you properly from the start this time.”

“Thank you.” Snow tried to think of a reason to stay for longer, but she was coming up blank. She’d taken all the shots she could think of for this particular project. “I should get going.”

“I—do you want a cup of tea?”

Snow beamed. “I’d love one.”

“I have hot chocolate, too, with marshmallows. Are you interested, Bluebell?”

“Yes, please! Can I, Mom?”

“One mug.”

Bluebell squealed in excitement. “I can help you make it, Amanda. I know how to make my own hot chocolate now.”

“I would certainly appreciate the help.” Amanda held out a hand for Bluebell’s and led her into the kitchen.

Snow could hear them chatting happily as they made the tea and hot chocolate. Bluebell told Amanda all about school and her friends. Amanda was attentive and seemed genuinely interested in what Bluebell had to say.

Snow had never guessed that Amanda might be so taken with Bluebell. This whole day had turned out so much better than she could have hoped, even in her most optimistic imaginings.

A few minutes later, Amanda returned with three mugs. She sat Bluebell down before handing her the mug of hot chocolate, adorned with mini marshmallows on top.

“Thanks, Amanda.” Snow took a sip of her tea, which was delicious. It tasted faintly of something like cinnamon.

There were a few minutes of silence, but it didn’t feel awkward. The three of them each sipped on their drinks, immersed in their own thoughts.

“How are your Christmas cards going, Snow? Are they still getting as much attention as they did at first?”

Amanda didn’t sound resentful, merely curious.

“Yeah, they’re really taking off. I’ve been running around getting stuff printed and posted. I’ve never gotten this many orders before.”
