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Beth didn’t know how long she lay there, draped over Sawyer’s knee like a limp noodle, completely blissed out.

She still felt the hands. But now they soothed and stroked. She was only vaguely aware of movement; still too far gone to acknowledge it. So, it came as a bit of a surprise, when she finally came back to her senses, to find herself laid out, right side up, over the laps of all three men.

She blinked up at them, then blinked again.

Sawyer, Jed, and Mitch all sat together on the one sofa looking like a girl's wet dream. The contrast between Sawyer’s clean cut, dark good looks and serious demeanor, Jed’s blond haired, all American, ‘Mr. Nice Guy’, and Mitch's much more laid-back surfer persona, had never been more stark than when they were grouped together like this. But the one thing they shared was that definitive ‘Dom’ vibe. The one that simultaneously took her to task for bad mouthing herself or being a brat, and cared for her when she needed it. It was a potent combination.

Her shoes were gone, and Jed massaged her feet, even though her stockings were still in place. While Mitch ran his fingers through her hair, stroking the long, artfully curled locks.

Beneath her burning butt she could feel the hard evidence of Sawyer’s arousal. She still couldn’t get her mind around the fact that it was for her.

“Here, have some water,” he murmured, holding a bottle towards her. Mitch levered her shoulders into a sitting position, and Beth swallowed gratefully, only now realizing how dry her throat was.

“Thank you.” The cool water helped restore her senses and she tried to sit up and move away, conscious of her weight. But they held her still.

“Stay there,” Sawyer commanded, and Beth felt her nipples pucker in response to his commanding tone.

“We’d like to talk to you,” Mitch said, cupping her cheek in his hand so she had no choice but to get lost in his striking light brown eyes. She was so close she could see the amber flecks in them. It was a gaze she could drown in. Especially when it engulfed her so earnestly.

“You were scheduled to have a foursome at the Valentine event,” Jed began, brushing his blond hair away from his face.

Beth pursed her lips. Everything had been so awesome up until now that she’d forgotten about the previous upset. The last thing she wanted was to dredge it all back up now.

She sucked in a bolstering breath. Back to reality, she guessed. Oh well. The distraction had been nice while it lasted.

Evidently, they quickly caught on to the direction her thoughts were taking because Sawyer reached over and put his finger over her lips before she could say anything.

“We know it didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped,” he remarked.

It was kind of a surreal feeling, having Mitch’s palm holding her cheek while Sawyer’s blunt tipped fingers grazed her lips and all three pairs of eyes bored into her. But it was one which had her chest squeezing in anticipation. There was just something about being the sole focus of more than one man that completely tripped her switch and made her mindless.

She didn’t even think of arguing. Just licked her lips and touched her tongue to Sawyer’s finger as she did so.

She thought she saw his pupils dilate in response, but it was difficult to tell when his eyes were already so dark. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light.

“So, we’d like to make you a proposition,” Mitch continued.

Yeah, she must not be quite with it, still. Or else their touches just made her stupid. Either way she wanted to snicker at their choice of words. They could proposition her anytime.

Three decidedly wicked grins reflected back at her. Even from Sawyer.

Shit! Had she said that out loud?

“Greg already spoke to the three of us and asked each of us to transfer into a job in the events department, specifically covering the club, thanks to you,” Jed told her. She was glad.

“He also wants us to pitch our app to the big bosses, with a view to them using our company, & Co., at Iniquity. Also, thanks to you.”

So, it was Jed and Sawyer who ran the company with Mitch, Beth realized. And Mitch and Sawyer must have been the other two event planners who worked with Jed. It was starting to make more sense now.

“That’s a huge break for us,” Jed said earnestly, gratitude thick in his voice. “All thanks to you.”

“So, we considered running your details through the app, to see if we could find you a match… three matches, as a thank you,” Mitch explained… And for some reason that disappointed her, though for the life of her she couldn’t work out why. She should be elated.

“But the truth is, we didn’t want to…”

Okay - that hurt.

Beth dropped her eyes as they started to prickle, not wanting them to see her upset. She hadn’t wanted them to do it in the first place, so her stupid emotions didn’t make any sense.

God, she was confused.

“That’s not strictly true,” Sawyer said softly, lifting her chin back up with the crook of his finger.

She still avoided eye contact. There was only so much a girl could take.

Mitch dropped his head so his lips were within an inch of her mouth. She could feel his warm, coffee scented breath against her skin.

She closed her eyes against temptation. Afraid she would make a fool of herself.

“We didn’t need to,” Mitch whispered. “Because we already knew that you’d be perfect for us.”
