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“This place is…” She stopped short and just looked around the opulent lounge area with its gilded furnishings and heavy drapes.

“This place is all yours,” Mitch said, moving past her into the room and heading for the attached bedroom to deliver her luggage.

Beth trailed behind him and gave another gasp as she took in the sight of the giant four poster bed, deliberately built for those with a polyamorous leaning. He couldn’t help wondering if she had been given this suite intentionally or if she was unaware of the implications.

“That bed is massive!” she exclaimed, and Mitch couldn’t resist digging a little.

“Indeed, it is. Specially made and big enough for six people to sleep in… or do other, more interesting things than sleep,” he agreed with a wink.

Beth ducked her head, but not before he’d seen the becoming shade of pink which stained her cheeks.

She didn’t comment, but her silence said far more than any words. Looked like little Miss Cohen wasn’t averse to sexy times involving more than one partner. Good to know.

“If I can be of any assistance to you during your stay, please don’t hesitate to get in touch,” Mitch said as Beth stuck her head around the door to the bathroom. But from the amount of oohing and aahing that was going on, he was pretty sure he’d lost her attention to the sumptuous luxuries of the massive shower and the hot tub that could both comfortably hold four or more people.

When she turned back to him her eyes were glazed so he held out a business card. “Call if you need anything,” he repeated. “I’m happy to assist.”

In more ways than one, he thought, trying to get himself under control. Thank goodness he was wearing a baggy, untucked white shirt which hid his boner.

And thank God he was able to keep his eyes above chest level, although truth be known, that wasn’t so hard, despite her awesome rack. She was the whole package, her face, framed in waves of long black hair, was just as beautiful as her banging body and Mitch really hoped he had the opportunity to taste… all of it.

Beth looked down at the card and a cute little crinkle appeared between her brows as she scrunched them up.

“& Co.? “she asked, reading the understated shiny black embossed words on the matt black background with antique copper highlights.

Mitch shrugged and grinned. “That’s the company me and a couple of buddies are building, but the card has my contact details.”

Beth narrowed her eyes as she looked at the business card again, then back at him and he knew a frisson of unexpected nerves, though he couldn’t for the life of him think what caused them.

“It’s a double entendre.” It was a statement, not a question, and the perceptiveness she demonstrated surprised him. Pretty much no one worked that out without an explanation. “So, you’re running an escort agency?” she asked, raising her eyes to his once again.

Mitch just stared at her, stunned, unable to believe that she’d worked it out. He, Jed, and Sawyer were often told their business name was too ambiguous, but that was kinda the point.

“We’re…” He had to stop and clear his throat; he was so overcome by her sharp insight. “We specialize in providing carefully matched D/s hook-ups,” Mitch explained, still staring at Beth in awe.

She nodded. “I guess working here provides you with a lot of contacts while you build your database.”

And if that wasn’t enough, she surprised him even further. “And is your surname also relevant in the name of your company? The Co in Collins?”

Mitch couldn’t do anything other than nod like a fool, before he caught himself and attempted to act like a sane adult again.

“Yes,” he confirmed, his voice sounding strangely strangled. He cleared his throat… again. “It just kind of fit with me and the two friends that are in this with me. Collins, Connolly, and Cole. & Co. A company providing kinky company.”

Beth gave him a blinding smile that took away what little breath he had left. “Clever,” she replied with a nod.

Cohen, Mitch grasped one single fact amidst the mire of his suddenly befuddled thoughts. Her name was Beth Cohen. It almost seemed like it was a sign.

Was it possible to fall in love at first sight?
