Page 105 of Oracle Witch

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Eirik winks at me. “Enjoy yourself, love.”

“Yes,” Ryes adds. “Even if you’re not inviting me to the bar.” My eyes widen, and the little sneak smirks. “Just kidding. I’m sure he said mosque, actually.”

“Enough with the teasing,” Ciar says, rolling his eyes. “Want to shadow travel,mo sholasor do you want to open up a portal?”

“Shadow travel!” I exclaim. It’s something I can’t do on my own, and I love the feeling of being cuddled in with Ciar as his magicae washes over us and leads us to our destination.

It’s like being swaddled—or at least, it’s what I’d imagine it being like. The safety, the warmth, the constricting nature keeping you soothed.

“That’s a lovely way to think about it,” Eirik says, and both Ciar and Ryes nod. I step into his arms, giving him a cuddle, and he gives me a chaste kiss before spinning me into Ryes’s grasp.

My air witch takes it a step further, his kiss more demanding than Eirik’s, and it has me panting when he breaks it off.

“Have fun,” Ryes murmurs, his eyes dark and heady. “But not too much fun.”

“I’ll let the others know you’ll be back late,” Eirik says when I ask about them.

“The welcome wagon will be there for you when you’re back,” Ryes says, and the serious tone helps reassure me. “Maybe the pouting parade, actually.”

The more… intimate aspect of our relationship is still something that trips me up a little. We’ve only just moved onto public kissing, and now we’re adding dates into the mix. It’s something that trips me up because I keep expecting them to get mad at each other.

Or at me.

But that’s my own insecurities talking. Well, that combined with the way I’ve been brought up—on Earth, polyamory isn’t that common, and it’s unfairly seen as sexually deviant by most of the population.

“Have fun,” Eirik reiterates. I look up at him, and his calmness helps my brain settle. “Both of you.”

“Let’s go,” Ciar says. I clap my hands in excitement. Grinning at my enthusiasm, Ciar cuddles me into his arms, and we leave in a cloud of darkness.

“Oh, wow, where are we?” I ask, looking around in surprise. “Are we back in town again?”

“We are,” he says. “I wasn’t joking about getting you some food, you little sneak.” I grin, and he winks at me. “What do you say we go somewhere fun to do it, though?”

“I mean, I followed you here. I’m all yours.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear again, smiling. “For now.”

“For now,” I repeat.

“I heard your thoughts—hell, we all did,” he mentions before tucking my hair behind my ear again with a concentrated pout.

“It gets everywhere,” I say, laughing. “You’ll be here all day if you’re trying to control it.”

“It does, but it’s gorgeous,” he replies. I put my hand in his, and let him drag me round to where we need to go. “So, back to the topic you tried to change from. Ourintimate relationship.” I choke, and he gently pats my back. “Stop trying to get out of it.”

“I’m not!”

“Liar,” he teases, and I giggle. “The bond doesn’t allow for feelings of jealousy, Zoe.”

“I know that,” I say softly. “Kind of.”

“Okay, but I meanliterally,” he says. “When you were kissing Ryes earlier—”

“You know about that?” I gasp.

“I felt it,” he says with a shrug. “Weallfeel it.”

“No!” I stop in the middle of the street, covering my mouth in horror.
