Page 131 of Oracle Witch

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“He’s fine,” she murmurs, cutting Necos off, and he nods. “Everything is okay, I promise.”

“Care to enlighten the rest of us?” Mael demands, his hot-headed personality causing him to come across as a massive fucking cockend.

Hilarious considering his is actually below average.

“True,” Ryes says, titling his head as he considers Mael. Ryes didn’t realise I didn’t say that aloud, and it only makes it all the funnier.

“What is?” Eirik asks. He pinches the bridge of his nose, the stress getting to him already. “Can we all just get on the same page? What happened today? You told us you were taking Zoe to see your mum.”

Etrix goes to open his mouth, likely to spill out a lie, but the show gets stolen from him in the form of our tinyanima nexum.

“Etrix and Necos are rebels,” Zoe says, taking a seat on the armchair by the fireplace. She draws all of our eyes, most of us radiating with shock, but she seems very calm about this fact. “I met my finalanima nexum,too.”

“The dickhead in your head?” Ciar asks, the first to manage to speak. He walks over to claim the seat closest to her, the right end of a three-seater sofa. That seems to prompt us, and we all rush to seats around her.

I’m sharing a two-seater with Eirik, and I think that was by design. Even without hearing the story, we’ve split how we normally do when there’s conflict.

Mael and Ciar are together, both with Etrix who is the newest—well, an old addition but still—member to their group.As if Ciar and Etrix would ever publicly disagree on something.

Ryes is sitting on the floor, his head on Zoe’s lap as she immediately takes the hint and starts running her fingers through his hair. He’s always on her side, and the instigator between the two groups.

He never truly picks, just riles everyone up, and enjoys the chaos. He never complains about the decisions, though.

Eirik and I are together, both of us usually on the same ‘side’ and need convincing to see the side of the opposition. A side we usually get convinced over to as long as it’s not a completely stupid decision.

And Necos is sitting directly opposite Zoe on the other arm chair, seeming as cool as fucking ice as if all of this is beneath him and doesn’t concern him at all.Prick.

“Yes,” she says before biting her lip. “Okay, let’s not call him names. It’s mean, especially when he can’t be here to defend himself. He’s quite nice.”

“And why is he not here?” Mael asks, crossing his arms in front of himself. It causes his muscles to flex, but Zoe doesn’t care about that. No, her eyes are drawn to his runes, a pensive look on her face.

“Because he’s a soul witch,” I say, and it’s amusing how many gasps there are.Really?“And I’m assuming that he’s a rebel, too?”

“You’d assume correctly,” Zoe says with a shrug. “Clearly, I’ve got a type.” Nobody laughs, and an embarrassed blush coats her cheeks. She ducks her head, her hair covering her face from everyone but Ryes.

She looks down at him, and likely to change the subject and get the attention off of her, she asks, “Ry, can I give you back your memory?”

“Sure,” he says, and we all frown. Noticing the stares, Zoe blushes even harder, but it’s Ryes who explains. “When we went dreamscaping last month, Zoe uncovered a secret. One that she then had to take from me. Don’t worry, I value consent and gave it.”

Bloody hell.

“Restituo,” she murmurs, and Ryes blinks before nodding against her thigh. “That seemed easy.”

“It was,” Ryes replies. “It felt quite refreshing, actually.”

“What did you learn?” I ask, inching forward on my seat a little.

“Vitalis,” he says, and she nods.

“His name is actually Vexus,” Necos replies, an amused grin on his face.

“But he’d like it ifonlyZoe called him Vitalis,” Etrix taunts. “Not sure why he’s so obsessed with the name, but he is.”

I don’t know if he’s impervious to the glare that’s being directed his way from Ciar, but he refuses to look in that direction.

He’s a bigger fool than I thought.

The dark witch is pissed, and he’s directing it all at Etrix.
