Page 135 of Oracle Witch

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I don’t know him. Even if my soul tingles and assumes otherwise.

“Go!” he says, and Vitalis nods before leaving the room. Normally, I’m here with Vitalis, so to still watch, it’s surprising. The man moves to a mirror, and I can’t focus on his blurry face.

Whatever has brought me here is protecting his identity, but clearly there’s something I need to hear—or maybe see.

He’s doing something, something I can’t see, before a bright red vial is placed on the counter. He looks at it before sighing.

“I’m sorry, Ex. I’m so fucking sorry for what I did.”

And then the weird vision fades, and I’m thrust back into the room with a shouting match still taking place between my men.

Jasper and Eirik are on one side. Necos, Etrix, and Ryes are on the other. Mael is flitting between them both, which makes it a bit weird considering he’s sitting right next to Etrix.

Ciar is silent, a seething darkness surrounding him. Zohar’s pensive, focusing on me and not the drama happening, which doesn’t really surprise me, but I’d have thought he’d want to be involved.

“What’s going on with you?” Zohar asks, and I frown. “What happened just there? Are you okay?”

“Did you go and see your… Vitalis?” Ryes asks, sitting up and kneeling in front of me.

“I don’t think so,” I say, frowning as I think back to all these weird occurrences and decide to just voice my weird thoughts. They know more than I do, and will be able to tell me if I’m completely off base. “I think… I think I’m seeing the future. Visions, mirages?”

“What?” Eirik gasps, having heard, and his shock stops everyone from fighting. As one, they turn to me, and it’s kind of a scary position to be in.

Knowing that they’ll stop whatever is happening in their own lives to fully focus on me, to give me their time and care.

That in their minds, I come first.And probably second and third.

“What did you just say?” Eirik asks.

“Um, I think... I think I’m seeing the future,” I reply, stumbling a little over my words at the intensity from everyone’s gaze.

“You’re an oracle witch,” Necos whispers, and Mael’s face pales. “Holy fuck!”

Ciar groans, rubbing at the side of his face as he blinks in surprise. “Shit. Okay. Standard. Great.”

“What’s going on?” Etrix demands. “How is that possible?”

“She says she’s getting visions of the future,” Ciar replies, and Etrix rolls his eyes, having heard that.

“So, these visions. How many have you had?” Jasper asks, an intense expression on his face. He’s asking these questions in a clinical sort of way. He’s a scientist at heart, and he’s excited.

“A few,” I reply, shrugging like it’s not a big deal. It’s not, because unlike my visits to Vitalis, they’re not debilitating. “I don’t have one every day, but usually at least a couple a week.”

“When was your first one?” he asks, and I tilt my head, thinking back.

“I think it was in the mirror at the castle,” I say. “But there have been fleeting moments, where I feel like I was going to have one but then get brought out of it.”

“No,” Ryes says, shaking his head. “You had one that day.”

“What day?” I ask.

“The one Vitalis robbed from us,” Ryes says, and I gasp as I remember.

“Oh yeah,” I say, turning to Zohar whose bushy eyebrows raise. “I told you they were coming, Zo. The conversation I had overheard. I never paid any mind, thinking I was just dropping in on Vitalis in a weird way.”

“I named him,” Zohar says, and I nod. “And Spyte.”

“That was my first vision,” I say, sitting back in Zohar’s lap. “Definitely.”
