Page 140 of Oracle Witch

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“I wish you had come to itbeforepunching me,” he mutters, and we both laugh.

“I want to complete our bond,” I say, and he sucks in a breath of surprise. “What?”

“Even after all this?”

“Etrix, we’ve known since day one that we’d bond together,” I say. “Fate only confirmed that when she gave us the sameanima nexum. You’re a rebel, so fuck. We’ll all be rebels soon. Well, if they’ll take us.”

“Why wouldn’t they?” he asks.

“Are you forgetting that we spend our time killing a lot of rebels?”

Etrix snorts, and I turn my head to the left to glare at him. “What?” I demand, seeing his amusement clear as fucking day. “Why is that funny?”

“You haven’t personally killed a rebel,” he says, and I frown. I open my mouth to argue, but he shakes his head. “We don’t send our people places to die, Ciar. Any rebel you’ve encountered will have been undetected by you. Those you’re killing are definitely not rebels.”

“So if it’s not rebels we’re killing, who are they?” I ask.

“They’re people that the organisation wants you to kill,” he replies, and I sigh.

“There’s so fucking much corruption.”

“My dad was never fit to be King,” Etrix says as if he was announcing the weather and not committing treason.Well, he’s gotten good at it over the years, I suppose.“And definitely not a King where there is nobody to hold him accountable, apart from a committee of people he’s hand selected.”

“Yeah,” I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck. I offer him my hand, and he looks at it, and raises an eyebrow. “Take the fucking hand, Etrix.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, nervously.

“I’m positive.”

He takes my hand, his shaking slightly but mine is steady, and we both close our eyes, and prepare to form our equilstrilax. It’s been a long time coming, this bond we share, and I’m finally ready to accept it, and Etrix, into my life properly.

We’ve let too many years of fucked up animosity taint our views of each other, but this will fix that.

This will set us back on the path we were on all those years ago.

An indestructible team.

I thought the goal was to work for Eirik, to help protect our people, with Etrix by my side.

But that’s changed. Now, we’ll be working together to overthrow the current monarch to take the throne for ourselves with the rebels as our army.

The people I’ve thought I’ve been killing off for the last six years for the good of my people.

There’s nothing better than having your eyes opened, though, especially not when it comes with some bloody carnage.

Zoe’s arrival back in my life has changed it for the better. No longer will I live in the shadows. Now, I’m the man—we’re the men—who will stand at the Primordial Queen’s back as she takes her rightful place as the Queen of Mitagus.

And who better to be right by my side but my equilstrilax, my light witch counterpart. Etrix Farglory.

His dad will die, and I’ll fight until my last breath to make sure Etrix is the one who gets to deliver the killing blow.

“You ready?” Etrix asks, and I know by the pure thrill in his voice that he’s had the same thoughts as I have. I nod, and we both utter the spell that ties us together in synchronisation.

Our souls begin to merge, myprimordiumadapting to the toxic light energy within us. Holding onto Etrix’s hand to keep the connection building, I close my eyes to stop from throwing up.

He doesn’t have the same control over his body, but when I hear him retch, my eyes open and I see black smoke, wispy shadows, and just pure darkness spew out of his mouth.

I follow, unfortunately, and light is what comes out of me. The essences belonging to the opposite person, and they swarm around us.
