Page 24 of Oracle Witch

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I nod with a small smile, not wanting to betray anything I know that she doesn’t about their re-established friendship.

But, of course, that doesn’t deter her.

“When did they start talking again?” she asks as she heads over to where her sister is rifling through fabric colours.

“About a month ago, I think,” I reply, watching in fascination as she uses her magicae without even pausing to think about it. “They’ve been friendly since I’ve known them both.”

“I see,” she says, smiling widely.

“So yeah, they’re both around town. They’ll just come find me when they’re done if I don’t grab them first,” I say, and she nods.

“Perfect,” Faye says. “So, what ideas have you got for us Oly?”

“So, without knowing what type of magicae you have, I can’t tailor you to that, unfortunately. And also with the forty-seven mates who all have different magicae—”

“There’s only eight,” I correct, causing Tien’s eyebrows to raise. I don’t elaborate, though, because I’m not sure on the rules when your eighthanima nexumis a professor.

Although, I don’t think she knows about Jasper either. I’ve not outright told her, but Ryes is a little gossip, so might have.

“Zoe, love, there areonlyeightdifferent types of magicae so that doesn’t help your point in the slightest,” Faye teases, and I giggle.

“Exactly,” Owlyn says, giving her sister an appreciative nod. “So, I can’t make you cute by matching with them, but if we pick just one…”

“Well, I’m going as Etrix’s date and only Eirik is coming with,” I say, causing her eyes to light up. “What is Etrix wearing? Can we match?”

“Mama?” Etrix calls, and I turn in surprise as he and Ciar round the corner. That was either perfect coincidental timing, or a forced meet, and based on the smirk on Faye’s face, I’m going with the latter.. “Princess? What are you doing here?”

Hm. He doesn’t sound as surprised as I’d have guessed. Maybe he was in on Faye’s plot?

I’d make a terrible detective.

“You twerp,” Ciar says, looking at Tien, who is giggling. “You told us you weren’t coming here.”

“I lied,” she says, high-fiving Owlyn. “Owlyn’s the best there is. I’d be doing your mate a disservice taking her anywhere else.”

“Damn right, you would,” Owlyn says.

“Ciar.” Faye grins, and Ciar swoops down to give her a hug. “You’ve gotten taller since I’ve seen you last.”

There’s some silent murmuring between the two, and I can feel how happy they both are to be seeing each other again. It broke more than just Etrix’s heart when he and Ciar had their falling out, it seems.

I’ll do everything possible to stop that from happening again.

“Maybe you’ve just gotten shorter,” he teases. Once he’s had his hug, he comes to give me one, letting Etrix take his place with Faye. He wraps his arms around my shoulder, protectively holding me at his side. “You look overwhelmed,mo sholas.”

“We’re discussing the colour of my dress,” I say, causing him to laugh. I get overwhelmed easily, and quite often, there’s no true reason for it. “What are you both doing here? I thought you were busy.”

“Yeah, whatareyou doing here?” Tien asks with a raised eyebrow. “I promised Ryes that he’d get to see her dress first, so you two better not be hanging around. Ryes’s punishments for broken promises are not fun.”

“Idiot. You should never promise your twin anything,” Ciar says. “We were just in the neighbourhood and thought to drop in.”

“What are you wearing tomorrow, Etrix?” Owlyn asks. “We’re going to match Zoe’s dress to your outfit.”

“Aw, won’t you two be adorable,” Ciar says, causing Etrix to punch him.

“Don’t fight,” I say, looking at Etrix. Ciar chuckles, and Faye is watching the three of us with a knowing look on her face. “I think with me being a pain, it’ll be the best thing. If you don’t mind, that is.”

“I’d love to match with you, princess,” Etrix says, and his mum grins. “A bright gold is what I tend to stick with. You’ll find that with all witches to be honest.”
