Page 25 of Oracle Witch

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“So, gold?” I say, looking at Owlyn.

“Gold it is,” she says, nodding. “Okay you, boy, go grab my fabrics. You’re getting a new suit as well. It’s been a while since you’ve been to Court. You need to look your best.”

He sighs, and kisses Faye’s cheek before heading off to do as he’s told.

“Okay, Zoe, do me a favour and go change into this,” Owlyn says, passing me a satin white robe from her pile. “Keep your undergarments on, but nothing else. We’ll be trying a few different styles.”

I nod, and walk down to the fitting rooms alone. Etrix comes out just as I get there, and he smiles at me He balances the bunch of fabrics in his arms, the mismatched colours and shapes getting me a little excited to be playing dress up.

Etrix has a calm facial expression, not a single twitch, betraying his feelings as he cooly regards me. “How has it been?” he asks, and the shakiness of his tone betrays his nervousness.

“How has what been?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. I hope I’m mimicking his calmness, but on the inside I’m jumping with joy. He’s adorable and I love his reaction to this.

“Meeting my mama.” The love in his words, the way his eyes have gone guarded, has me softening towards him even more.

“She’s lovely,” I say softly. “Are you mad I met her without you here?”

“Not even a little bit,” he replies. Etrix reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear. “Other than you, she’s the only good person I’ve got in my life. She loves you.”

“How do you know?”

“Well, she’s my mum,” he says.

“So it’s just the vibe?”

“My, my, aren’t you feeling sassy,” he teases.

“Etrix!” Owlyn yells. Her voice echoes through the store. “Where are you?”

“Coming, Aunty Owlyn,” he shouts back.

“Tien really told you we’d not come here?” I ask, tilting my head.

“I would’ve brought you,” he says, and I nod. “But no, I guessed she was going to bring you here, which is why we dropped in.”

“That’s sweet.”

“Only for you, princess.”

He grabs the pile of fabric and walks off without a backward glance. Only Etrix.

I quickly change into the robe, folding up my uniform, before heading back out to the others.

“There you go, just wear that,” Etrix says, getting a slap from his mum. “Mama!”

“Don’t be crude,” she says with a glare.

She drags a mirror in front of the plinth, and gestures for me to stand on it. I do, feeling a little confused.

“Shouldn’t I be wearing a dress?” I ask as Etrix steps up beside me. He’s wearing a similar material to me, but his is shorts and a shirt rather than a pretty robe.

“We’re witches,mo sholas,” Ciar says. “We don’t simply try on clothes.”

“I don’t understand,” I say, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

“Watch,” Etrix says.

Owlyn comes to stand in front of Etrix, and says, “Creo.” I watch as the fabric clinging to Etrix starts morphing into black and gold, becoming a suit.
