Page 44 of Oracle Witch

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I’m itching to do it… but it doesn’t feel right. Not when we’re on a time crunch. Not when someone could be here any minute to put a stop to this.

“Do it,” she commands, her hands lighting up gold as the danger crackles in the air. She’s drawing on her power. Is that because the crown is forcing her, or because she’s getting ready for a fight? “Prove that you’re not lesser than your brother, Etrix. Prove that the crown sees you as worthy, too.”

My breath catches before I obey my little mate. I place the crown atop my head, and everything in me settles when it glows.

I catch sight of myself in the mirror, and a slow smile appears on my face. It’s just as bright as when it glowed for Eirik that day all those years ago. The day my fate was sealed as the useless heir, the one who doesn’t deserve to live because he’s not going to inherit the throne.

Somehow, Zoe knew I needed to be healed from that. She’s letting me be selfish. She’s letting me be mended.

“I could sense it,” she says, stepping closer to me. Her dainty hands clasp together as she gives me a big grin. “In another world, Etrix, you could’ve been King. Don’t let yourself live in the shadow of Eirik any longer.”

She takes my hands in hers, her magicae still present in her hands, and smiles as I absorb some of it.

“You were born into the light, Etrix. Now embrace it,” she whispers just as the doors swing open and two guards barge in.

These are not rebels. No, these are my father’s people.

She turns wickedly fast, her dress spinning as she does, and her hands shoot out two beams of golden light, hitting the guards square in the chest. She doesn’t flinch, even though I know later on there will be a breakdown.

She’s far too empathetic for this life.

I hate that she’s got to live it.

“We don’t have time to waste,” I say, and she nods. I pull the crown off my head as more footsteps come this way.Shit.

“We need the others,” she murmurs, and I nod reluctantly. Eirik and Necos are busy, but she has got other mates.“Mael!”

Her scream of the name was heard by me both out loud, and in my mind. She’s calling him through their bond, screeching his name so that he can come help us.

Hopefully the fire boy will do something helpful. I doubt it, though. He’s much less impressive than a candle.

Just as the portal opens, I take the crown and place it onto Zoe’s head.

Fire boy comes through, dramatically lit up in flames, followed by Ryes who is in a tornado, Ciar who I can only sense through his shadows, and Zohar who is doing absolutely nothing impressive whatsoever. It’s kind of funny how geared up they all are—well, minus Zohar that is—when they’re nothing compared to the creature in front of me.

Because the moment the crown was placed on her head, it burst with power. I may have caused it to glow, but she’s caused it to fucking illuminate.

Gold, black, and silver power is racing through her, and the crown, as she stands tall in front of us.

The crown has made its choice.

She’s the true heir to Mitagus.

The Primordial Queen.

Myanima nexum.



Iwalk away from Etrix, ignoring the powerhouses of my mates as they watch in confusion, and stand in front of the mirror on the wall. It’s clearly a very expensive antique, but it’s not my focus right now.

Even if my inner love ofHarry Potteris rearing up at full force at the thought of a magic mirror.

I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of intimidated by myself.Although, I don’t think that’s something I should share out loud.

My hair is in its normal loose waves, but a little more styled, and the magicael crown is sitting on top of my head. It fits like it was made for me, even though I know it wasn’t. The crown was made to determine who would be the next ruler of Mitagus after my parents died, meaning it was likely created after I was born.

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