Page 45 of Oracle Witch

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The magicae of the Primordials is racing through me, and it looks like little lightning bolts are flying off of me, and the crown. You know, if lightning bolts were also black and silver. The gold part is pretty true to their nature, though.

It even seems like the crown has changed colour underneath all the glowing, but I’m not sure if that’s just my imagination.

My golden dress was made to have gold glitter on it, but somehow—magicae, obviously—there’s now other colours, too. The seven colours of magicae, actually, representing the bonds I share with my mates, and maybe… maybe it represents the people I’ll one day be leading.

You know, if I ever manage to make it to be Queen.

I turn around and smile at the others who were compassionate enough to give me this time to come to terms with the future that now feels very, very real. I hope my smile comes across as confident, or even powerful.

I bet it just shows how terrified I am.

All of my mates have distinguished their elements, relaxing as they know there’s no immediate threat to me.

But there is still a threat, and we can’t relax.

“We’re under attack,” I say, awkwardly holding my arms at my sides before moving them back and forth a little. What do people even do with their arms? Do they just hang there looking weird? Are they meant to do things?

Why am I freaking out about having arms?

“I know,” Ciar replies, dropping his wall of shadows so I can fully see him. He’s wearing his usual jeans and t-shirt, a sharp contrast to all the people I’ve been around all night. His almond-shaped eyes are narrowed as he studies me before taking a step towards me.The calmness of his tone helps my freak out settle a little. Nothing bad will ever happen to me with Ciar by my side.

Not unless he was dead. My breathing becomes unsteady, my heartrate erratic, as my hands begin to sweat.

He, and the others, could literally die today becauseIbrought them here.

“What do you want us to do about it?” Ciar asks.

Redirect her attention. Keep her calm.

Somehow, hearing his thoughts and realising he’s only trying to calm me down doesn’t diminish the effect of his efforts.

My body seems to just obey him, working towards whatever he commands of me.

“You’re asking her?”Ryes hisses, somehow using a viscous tone in his mind but maintaining a sweet grin as he looks at me.“She’s scared because she has arms, for fuck’s sake.”I appreciate his use of the mind link so as to not offend me, but honestly, even if he had said it out loud, I’d not have been offended.

He’s right. I’m a mess, and they deserve better.

“You’re not a mess,” Ryes says softly, his pale blue eyes crinkling as he dons a sweet smile. His shoulders shrug when I roll my eyes, and I know he believes his words. Similarly dressed to Ciar in a pair of jeans and a blue shirt that brings out his eyes, Ryes looks out of place standing here with Etrix and I.

But that’s only based on appearances. My magicae has settled now that my other mates are here, even with the attack that’s happening. It’s ready to fight, and I know they’re going to help with that.

“And there is absolutely nobody better,” Zohar adds, his tone completely serious as he grins, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. He looks completely relaxed despite the situation, and it only echoes how I’m now feeling.

“We’re under attack,” I repeat, unable to focus on my freakout any longer. It’s not fair, and honestly, I don’t feel as worried now that it’s not just Etrix and I. My men nod, switching back to their battle brains instead of their boyfriend brains.That’s impressive.“Eirik and Necos are in the dining room, or maybe one of them, there’s a lot I’m sure.”

“Follow your instincts, princess,” Etrix says, and I smile at him.

His advice is helpful. I know nothing about this world, well, not nothing. But not enough to be helpful right now.

But my magicae knows enough to guide me. Ryes told me to rely on the logic of my brain, and not the instincts of my magicae, but I don’t think he could’ve foreseen this, and I think he’s all right with me changing it up.

I sneak a glance his way, and he gives me a thumbs up as he puts something into his pocket.Is he stealing from the vault?

I shake that worry off. I truly can’t take on everything, and honestly, I think it’ll make both Etrix and Eirik smile to hear about it.

I let my magicae expand across the castle, feeling the wards to assess for weak points, and there are a few where the rebels must’ve come through. It’s unsettling, but my magicae refuses to top them up. The wards are built using various different witches’ power, and my magicae revolts at them all.

This is not our home. This is not a safe place.
