Page 58 of Oracle Witch

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A silent fury starts to build within me, a tornado of magicae rushing at my fingertips, and as Zohar grabs Ellie out of Mael’s arms, I launch an attack on him.

He wasn’t prepared for it, nobody was, and that makes it all the sweeter.

“You fucking cunt,” I roar, summoning even more air to start suffocating him. He doesn’t fight back, he knows he doesn’t deserve to live after nearly letting her sacrifice herself.

“Grab him,” Eirik demands, and I feel arms pulling me back from my advancement on Mael. I start fighting against them, determined to snuff the life out of Mael, to get revenge for the situation he put my mate into.

“Enough,” Ciar roars, trapping me in shadows. His furious face meets mine, and I see the same pain in his eyes that are in mine. I take ragged breaths, struggling to control myself.

“She could’ve died,” I whisper, and he nods.

“I know,” he replies. “But she didn’t. She’s powerful, and smart, and so fucking brave. Mael kept her safe, and she did what she needed to do to make sure they both survived.”

“I failed her,” Mael whispers, having been healed by Zohar during my moment with Ciar. “She… I encouraged her to get the crown, no matter what.”

“Because you knew it was your only chance to survive,” Ciar says, spinning to look at him. “Zoe is more than capable of making her own decisions, and for whatever fucked up reason, she values our lives just as much as her own. She did what she needed to, to come home to us. We’re done discussing this.”

“You don’t get to just decide that,” I say, and Ciar whirls around with black smoke in his eyes. I flinch, and he blinks away the weird eyes. “Maybe you do.”

He smirks, tipping his head to me in amusement. “Now, get a cuddle from our girl and give her back to Mael. We’re going home.”

Somehow, Ciar’s taken over as leader right now, and it’s enough that I rush to do what he says. Zohar gently passes Zoe over to me, and I cradle her fragile form into my arms. I drop a kiss to her head, smelling her and feeling her breathing just to reassure myself that she’s still here.

Mael tentatively places a hand on my shoulder, and sighs in relief when I don’t knock it off.

“I’m sorry.”I don’t know which of us says the words first, but I do know only one of us should be saying them.

And it’s not him.

“I’m the one who needs to apologise,”I say, turning around and helping pass Zoe over to him.“I lost my cool.”

“You did.”He smiles at me, a genuine one as well, and adjusts Zoe so she’s more comfortable.“But I understand why. I’d have done the exact same.”

He winks at me, losing the seriousness.“But raise your hands against me again, and I’ll burn them to a crisp.”

“As if you could,”I reply, grateful that we’re past the fight.“You’re weaker than a birthday candle. You lost that fight, and I was barely even trying.”

Lie.I was trying to murder him, at least until Ciar helped me regain my senses back.

“Let’s go,” Eirik says, looking between the two of us. “If you two are good?”

“We’re good,” I say, clapping Mael back on the shoulder before walking out of the vault with the others. “I fucking hate this place.”

“You and me both,” Etrix mutters.

We walk a bit further from the vault, until we’re in the range where we’re capable of casting spells without a revolt. Eirik opens a portal, or maybe it was Zohar, and we walk through it.

Just in time for one of the worst people in the world to barge into the room.

Why is this night so fucking terrible?



Ifeel a tugging within me, one I’ve never felt before, but I don’t need to worry. I know exactly where it’s coming from.

Myanima nexum.
