Page 71 of Oracle Witch

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“Thecavea,” Mael says, and I nod.

“It would’ve been an accident,” Eirik says soothingly.

“Um, no.”

“Dude, she killed everyone on purpose,” Ryes says, rolling his eyes. “She’s already said that. Zoe’s got the special formula to kill only the bad people. I’m lowkey jealous.”

“Yes, that,” I say grimly. “He was a weird one. I don’t know. He was bad.”

“Hopefully you’re never put in a position like that again,” Zohar murmurs, tucking me into his side and ignoring the grumbles from Ciar for doing so.

“So, now that we’ve discussed the fate of people we don’t care about, can we talk about these?” Jasper asks, motioning to his arms with a forced nonchalance.

“Sure,” I say softly. Inside, though, I’m panicking.

Is he going to ask to undo it? Is he going to be mad that we’re bonded?

I know the others have wanted theirs since it happened to Mael.

But Jasper… we only see each other in class. He still barely tolerates me, and anytime his thoughts go to nice places, he flips out and goes to a negative extreme to balance it out.

He’s myanima nexum,sure, but I’m not sure if he truly wants to be.

“Are they permanent?” Jasper asks, and my heart shatters a little.

“Yes,” I reply. “But they can be hidden from everyone but me.”

“Except you?” Mael says, and I nod. He gets a slow smile across his face as he gives a nod.

“How long have you known you were a soul witch?” Necos asks, but I get the feeling he already knows the answer to this. He’s being very talkative, which unfortunately isn’t uncommon.

“Since the first week,” Eirik says. “Roughly. Like we discussed.”

“Who else knows?” Necos asks, ignoring Eirik.

“Everyone in this room. Um… potentially the man I visit,” I say, and Jasper and Necos share identical frowns.

“What man?” Jasper hisses, his eyes narrowing into slits as he leans forward in his seat desperate for answers.

“I’m not sure who he is,” I say before filling them in on my nightly trips. Necos relaxes a fraction, but Jasper gets even more annoyed.

His runes go gold, and my eyes are drawn to them. It’s a possessive kind of draw, and it surprises me that I feel this way.

“I hate it,” Jasper says, gritting his words through his teeth.

“You’re not that bad,” Ryes says with a chuckle and a grin. I spot the identical dirty looks from Ciar and Etrix, but neither voice their opinions aloud.

I know nobody seems to like earth witches, but Jasper is mine.

It makes all the difference.

“Tread carefully, air witch,” Mael says, pointing a finger his way that he lights up with a flame. “You start acting like they’re normal, then all of a sudden they’ve fed you to one of their plants.”

“That’s something I’ve never done,” Jasper says, with a shrug

“Hm,” Zohar says before yawning.

“Are you tired?” I ask, and he nods. “Why were you up so early?”
