Page 72 of Oracle Witch

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“We’ve not been to sleep,” Etrix says, and I frown. “We were full of magicae from you, princess.”


“Yeah, we got to get some of the aggression out through some carefully monitored fights.”

“Which is why you’re extra tired,” I say, patting Zohar’s thigh. “You healed everyone?” He nods, and I smile at him. “You’re so sweet.”

“Tell that to my broken nose,” Jasper mutters, and Ryes laughs.

“He healed that,” Ciar says dismissively. “He’d have done it faster if you weren’t being a baby about it.”

“So, how are you feeling, Elzora?” Necos asks.

“Fine,” I say, and he nods.

“Perfect. I’m going to head off then.”

He stands, dusting off imaginary lint on his clothes, and I can’t help my look of pure confusion.

Why is he acting like him being here whilst I’ve slept has done me a favour? I was asleep, I wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t here.

“We were worried you’d be a bit possessive like you were with Mael,”Eirik explains, and I nod slowly.

I wasn’t, though. I was asleep.

“That’s on us,”Mael says, shrugging.

“Clearly she just doesn’t give a fuck about Necos,” Ryes says out loud. Necos’s eyes flash with hurt before the poker face goes back in place.

Jasper eyes me with a combination of anger and hurt, and I can only gape at Ryes.

“Dude, you said that out loud,” Zohar mutters, sounding half asleep. My poor water mate is exhausted. I adjust how I’m sitting so he can cuddle in a little more, and I know it won’t be long until he’s asleep.

“Well, it’s the truth,” Ryes says with a shrug.

“It’s not,” I say, hating how my voice breaks and I sound close to tears. “I appreciate you all being here last night.”

Necos nods and grabs his jacket from the back of his chair. “Any time. I truly do need to go, though. I have a meeting with Theran about your schedule, and don’t want him to wait around..”

“On a Sunday?” I ask, confused.

“Wouldn’t want to deprive him of my company for the day,” Necos teases, but it feels off. “Jazz, I’ll catch you later for that tournament.”

Everything is moving quickly, and I don’t like it. We barely discussed the bond, and what this means for us, and he doesn’t seem to care.

“I don’t think he cares about your glory hole competition,” Etrix says, putting his phone away and winking as Jasper blushes. “We all know you’d last three seconds and then delay time just to extend it.”

“Ha,” Ryes chokes out, sputtering as he had a sip of water in his mouth.

“What’s a glory hole?” I ask, and Etrix panics as the others roar with laughter.

“Nothing,” Zohar says with a groan. “Are you wanting another nap? I’m fucking wrecked.”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “But feel free to use my bed. I think I’m going to make breakfast. I think we deserve a lazy Sunday.”

“What are you making?” Ciar asks.

“Breakfast is for students only,” Ryes says, smirking at Necos, who looks kind of sad. “Have fun at your shitty meeting.”
