Page 90 of Oracle Witch

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“Monday I only had three. Two with Necos, and one with Zohar. Tuesday I had five, but only because I’ve got three non-magicael classes with professors so they didn’t get cancelled. And today I had three. Two with Necos, and one with Jasper.”

Which is frustrating because it means Etrix has been gone, so I can’t corner him about Saturday, and his secrets.

I kind of think he’s avoiding me, but that’s just my narcissism talking.

He truly is busy.

“Fucking hell, baby,” Mael groans, banging his head on the back of the sofa.

“I might mention it to Eirik,” I say, biting my lip. “Maybe we can assign the classes with Necos, and then if you guys are busy…”

“I fucking hate that the time prick will get more time with you,” Ryes says with a sigh. He rubs at his eyes before nodding. “But it’s what will be best for you.”

“Especially if he’s trying to help you work on your magicae. That way, even if we can’t be there, he’ll take over. That’s smart, Ellie.”

“Thank you.” I place my empty mug on the coffee table and bring my legs up underneath me. “Can we just like… get food from Earth? I want sushi so bad.”

“I’ll go pick it up,” Mael says. “Then we’ll chill. I know how badly disrupted schedules cause you anxiety.”

“It’s not missing the schedule that makes me anxious,” I say. “It’s just worrying that I’m behind.”

“Well, you’re not,” Mael says, handing me his phone. “Pick what you want.”

Ryes and I add a bunch of different items to the menu, and then Mael disappears through a portal to get it for us.

When he’s gone, Ryes turns to me with a raised eyebrow. “I heard you, a few moments ago.”


“About Etrix.”

I sigh, feeling guilty for bringing this to him, but I know that he might have some insight.

“I have a little insight,” Ryes says, looking around the room as if someone is going to jump out at us. “Silentium.”

“What did you do?” I ask.

“I made it so that my words won’t carry,” he replies. “So that if anyone comes in, they’ll see us sitting in silence.”


“Because what I’m about to share with you is dangerous, Zoe,” he says, and the serious tone has chills racing down my spine. “I think, no… I know that Etrix is working with the rebels.”

Goosebumps appear across my skin, and even I can hear my breathing grow heavier.

Etrix is working against us?

“No, ZoZo,” Ryes says. “Do you think I’d let a traitor around you? A man who is willing to sacrifice you to meet his own goals?”

“No.” My voice is meek, but I have confidence in Ryes.

“No,” he says gently. “I hear the whispers of the mind. The thoughts people are willing to share, the thoughts people want to keep to themselves, but I also get echoes of memories that fleet through their minds. Etrix is great at blocking, but sometimes, he slips up, and then I’m in there with him.”

“How bad is it?”

“I don’t think it’s bad at all,” Ryes says. “I think he owes us answers, and I want to be involved—”

“Wait, what?”
