Page 123 of Alpha Male

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“That’s okay, I’ll just sic my wolf on them.”

“Your what?” he said and rolled her onto her back, held her down, and started sucking and nipping all over her, making her scream and laugh uncontrollably.

“Stop,” she yelled.

He grinned. “Sic your wolf on them? Really?”

“Yeah, what’s the use of having one if you can’t do anything with him?”

He chuckled. “Oh, there’s plenty you’re going to do with him.”

That sent a shiver down her spine.

He lifted his head and grinned. “Ready for our bath?”

“Yes, sir.”

He snorted, stood, and pulled her up, then tossed her over his shoulder like she didn’t weigh anything. She smacked his ass and then squealed when he did it to her ass but harder.

“That was so mean,” she complained.

Roman laughed and set her on her feet next to the tub. She watched him bend over and start the water. He added something to it that smelled like jasmine and made bubbles.

He stepped in and sat down before lifting her in front of him.

“Oh, God, that feels so good,” she moaned. The heat from the water seeped into every sore muscle, and the oil from the bubble bath soothed her burning cunt.

He slid his hands up and down her, massaging the knots he found, which was enough to make her come again if he kept going.

She closed her eyes and ran her hands up and down his muscular legs that were the size of tree trunks. “So, I’m the only woman you can mate with in the world?”

“Yes. God only gives us one, and many don’t ever find theirs. If that happens, it’s not good.”

“Why? What happens?” She tilted her head up to look at him.

“They go feral.”

“Like, wild?”

“Yes. It’s extremely painful for both men and women, but only the males lose their minds.”

“Oh, God. What happens to them?”

“They usually go off into the forest to live because they can’t be with people anymore. I’ve heard of a few that had committed suicide because they couldn’t handle the pain anylonger.”

“That’s so sad. What if they turned feral and found their mates? Would they be okay then?”

“I don’t know, pet. I’ve never known that to happen before, but anything is possible.”

“Would that have happened to you?” she asked.

“Yeah. It was already starting. I felt mad all the time.”

“But you’re so young.”

He chuckled. “I’m actually sixty-two. I forgot to tell you that we age extremely slowly. We live longer and heal faster than humans. You’ll have that too, just not to the extent of a wolf.”

“Wow, I’m only twenty-four. You’re really robbing the cradle, dude.”
