Page 135 of Alpha Male

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“Which way?”

“I don’t care,” he screamed.

“Okay, okay.” Brenna backed out of the spot and started driving the way they came, hoping to see someone. Although people were around, she didn’t see anyone she knew.

She tried to steady her breathing as she mentally called for Roman to come to get them. She had no idea if it would work, but that was all she had.

He kept them driving for what seemed like forever before he told her to pull over.

She looked around, and all she saw was wilderness. “What are we going to do here?” she asked.

“You and I are going to take a walk.”

“What’s Nicole going to do?”

He looked at the woman he held. “I have no use for her.”

“No,” Brenna screamed when he started to press the knife against her friend’s neck.

“Stuart, stop. Just tie her up.”

“No, I changed my mind. I think she’ll come with us. She’s keeping you from doing something stupid,” he said. “Get out and stand still, or she gets cut.”

Brenna stood on the road as he got out of the back of the car and pulled Nicole with him.

She pressed her hands to her mouth. “Please, don’t hurt her. It’s me you want, right?”

“Fuck, yeah, but she might be fun to play with when I’m done with you.”

Brenna felt physically ill. She tried to think of anything she could say or do to help them.

“That way.” Stuart pointed.

She walked but went as slow as she could, hoping to give them time.

“Hurry up,” he screamed.

“I can’t go faster. I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

That seemed to work a bit. At least he let up a little.

They all stopped when they heard the rustle of the bushes to the right of them.

“What the hell is that?” Stuart asked.

“You do know there are wild animals here, don’t you?” Brenna asked.

Stuart’s gaze zinged around the area. “Fuck. What kind?”

“Well, I know there are wolves because I’ve seen a few. And I’ve heard there are bears and mountain lions in the area.”

“You’re fucking with me.”

“No, Stuart, it’s the wilderness. What did you expect?”

“Why aren’t you freaking out?” he asked.

Brenna loved how his voice got higher and his movements more frantic. Fortunately, Nicole held his arm and kept it away from her, and Stuart was so scared he didn’t notice.
