Page 136 of Alpha Male

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“Because I’m going to die anyway, right?”

Another rustling mixed with growling sounds came from behind them, making them all twirl.

“What the fuck is it?”

“I don’t know.” She squinted her eyes and barely saw a large dark figure stalking them. God, she just hoped it was a shifter and not a real animal because she could reason with a shifter.

Stuart screamed as the sounds kept getting louder and closer. “We have to go.”

“It’s too late,” Brenna said. “Whatever it is will come after you if you run. It’s their instinct.”

A menacing growl made them turn again, and shebreathed a sigh of relief because she knew it was Roman. She took a moment to calm her heartbeat and breathing.

She winked at him before she started to whimper. “Oh, God, it’s a wolf. What are we going to do?”

“Oh, fuck, throw something at it,” Stuart yelled.

“It’s not going to stop him,” Brenna said. She saw Roman tip his head to the left. “I think we should go this way. There might be some rocks or something we can use.”

Stuart walked backward, still dragging Nicole. Brenna was so proud of her for keeping her cool. She expected her to fight him the whole time. She was cursing him, though.

Roman kept giving her directions. They were getting farther from the road and the car. Brenna didn’t know what Roman was going to do. She just knew was she was safe.

They came to a small clearing with a shallow creek when Roman got low to the ground.

“Fuck, what the hell is it doing?” Stuart said.

“Oh, God, I think it’s going to attack.”

Stuart screamed and pushed Nicole in front of him, probably hoping the wolf would get Nicole. Stuart took off before Nicole hit the ground.

Brenna ran to Nicole and helped her to sit up.

“Fuck, where is it?” Nicole said and then bit back a scream when she saw it was feet from them. “Brenna, go. Get to the car.”

“Absolutely not.”

Nicole’s gaze shot to her. “How can you be so calm?”

It looked like Roman was smiling.

“I don’t think he’s a mean wolf,” Brenna said. “It could be a dog.”

“A dog?” Nicole screamed. “That’s not a dog.”

Brenna grinned when Roman’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you think you should go get the bad man, wolf?”

He huffed and took off.

She looked back at Nicole and saw the shock on her face.

“How the hell did you do that? It was like it listened to you.”

“It’s a long story. Come here and get comfortable.”

“For what? Shouldn’t we be trying to get back to the car?”

“We’d just get lost.”
