Page 143 of Alpha Male

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He turned and went back to his table, dismissing her without another thought, and she fled with at least half of her original group. It seemed the others realized the error of their ways and chose the pack instead.

“Keep a close eye on her,” he said to Diego. “If she steps one toe over the line, she’s to be escorted from pack lands.”

“Will do.” Diego nodded. “Truth be told, I’d rather enjoy it.”

Craig just lifted his beer to his lips and shook his head. “I believe you would.”

Chapter Four

“Craig was the one who scented you?” Bennett coughed out as he still tried to get the hot sauce out of his windpipe.

“Ooh, girl, he’s a hottie for sure.” Ellie laughed. “Since my first day here, the women in this town have been following him around like a bunch of puppies. Must be a hunger for power—and an ass to die for in those jeans…”

“Hey!” Bennett laughed and shook his head at her sister. “I’ve got all the ass you need right here, baby.”

Ellie snorted. “I don’t think that came out the way you wanted it to, sweetie.”

But Caro was still watching the man he’d called Craig. People seemed to gravitate to him, and one woman, in particular, was edging closer and closer. Then she realized what her sister had said.

“Wait, what do you mean power?” she asked. “Is he some kind of bigwig around here?”

“Kinda like the unofficial mayor. Right, Bennett?” Ellie looked at him, and he just nodded quickly.

“Yeah, something like that. He’s the head Park Ranger here, and since we’re too small for a police station, he’s mostly in charge in Hillard. He’s a recent addition to our town. Only been here for a few months now.” Bennett’s expression turned thoughtful. “It’s interesting that he stopped you. I haven’t seen him express interest in a woman since he came to town.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter,” she answered with a shrug, “I’m not interested.”

Oh, it matters all right, and he seems very interesting.

With the blow to her ego the divorce had delivered, Caro was shocked that a man who looked like Craig had even noticed her at all, but she hadn’t even signed the papers or told anyone yet, and this was no time to get flustered over a handsome face.

“Plus, she’s married.” Ellie added, “Nope, we’re just here for the wings.”

There was something in her sister’s tone that implied she hadn’t quite bought it, but Caro was too tired to worry about it now. “Exactly.” She nodded and pulled the plate closer to her side of the table. “Though I don’t know what you guys are going to eat, these are crazy good.”


“I’m going to ride with you, and Ben’s going to follow us in his truck,” Ellie said as she bounced to Caro’s car in the parking lot. “Otherwise, you’ll never find the driveway in the dark. I’m so excited you’re here, Caro! You’re going to love the place I found. It’s like paradise.”

“Why don’t you drive?” she asked her sister. “I can barely keep my eyes open now that my belly is full.”

“Sure.” Ellie looked at her. “Sorry, I should have offered. That’s a long drive. I have your room all set up and ready to go, and there’s even a soaker tub in the guest room en-suite if you need to wind down before sleep.”

Caro looked over at her sister. “Yourguest roomhas an en-suite? I thought you said you were renting a cabin.”

Ellie laughed and shrugged. “Like I said, it’s paradise.”

She hadn’t been kidding about the driveway. Very few lights lined the dirt road they turned onto off of the highway, and there would have been no chance of Caro finding this place on her own after dark. But when they emerged from the trees, a tidy drive led up to a moderate-sized home in a rustic cabin style. It was beautiful really, and Caro gaped as they parked in front, the sound of Bennett’s truck tires on the gravel quickly following as he parked in front of the garage.

Caro got out of the car and took a step back to take it all in. The lawn was green with plants and flowers around the front porch, which was wide with several chairs, a small bistro table,and a hanging swing that looked perfect for losing yourself in a good book on a sunny afternoon.

“Jesus, Elles, what are you paying for this?” Caro followed her up the steps and in through the front door, revealing a generous entry leading to a great room that looked comfortable and was surprisingly well-furnished.

“You’d be surprised, actually.” She dropped her keys on the table by the door. “That’s how I met Bennett. This place is his parents’. They retired somewhere warmer and wanted to rent to someone who would keep up the gardens out back. It was fully furnished, so it’s perfect for me.”

“Wow, it’s incredible,” she said honestly. There was such a homey feel to it, but that made sense now. “I’m beat. I think I’ll just grab my bag and head up to bed. I’ll unload the rest of the car tomorrow.”

“The guest room is up the stairs, second door on the left. Ben and I will unload the car for you. Don’t worry about it.”
