Page 155 of Alpha Male

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“Yes, I think they probably can.” Her sister grabbed the list Caro had already started from the counter and looked it over.“But I think we can get most of this stuff over in Rigby, they have several grocery stores and a specialty food store there.”

That got Caro’s attention. “I don’t remember driving through a place called Rigby on my way up here.”

“It’s about an hour and a half in the other direction,” Bennett chimed in, “but we can make a run there today if you want. I need to hit the Home Depot anyway.”

“Great idea, babe!” Ellie grabbed a couple of brownies off of the closest tray. “We need groceries. See you in a few hours, sis.”

About forty minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and when Caro opened it, a very tall brunette stood there, her million-dollar smile aimed right at her.

“Hi, you must be Caro!” The brunette waved. “I’m Cheryl. Ellie asked me to take you down to the sweet shop to double-check the equipment in case there’s anything else you needed her and Bennett to pick up while they’re in Rigby.”

“Oh.” Caro paused. “Ellie sent you?”

They hadn’t talked about the equipment they would need to order, but Caro guessed that some of the basics, they could find in a big box store, though why hadn’t she just called her? Oh, well, maybe this was one of those small-town things and Ellie was just trying to help Caro make some new friends. She guessed it couldn’t hurt to go into town and have a look.

“Okay, just let me grab my purse.” She turned to run back into the kitchen.

“Sure thing, doll.”

Caro looked up as the woman’s voice sounded a lot closer than the front door, and as she did, she gasped right before Cheryl’s fist came at her face. Then everything went dark.

Chapter Fourteen

Craig answered his phone and immediately pulled his truck over when a frantic Ellie started crying and babbling about Caro and something happening.

“Ellie!” He tried to remain calm. “I can’t understand you. Are you with Bennett? Give him the phone.”

“Alpha, something’s happened. We got back from Rigby and Caro’s stuff was gone. She left a note saying she’d changed her mind and was going back to California to be with her husband, but Ellie swears she’d never do that.”

“I’ll be right there.” He hung up and pulled out onto the highway, driving as fast as he could, his wolf growling in his mind. He called Diego and filled him in, telling him to gather a few wolves and meet at Ellie’s place.

When he arrived, Bennett had Ellie in his arms, and she was softly crying. She looked up when he came in the door.

“She wouldn’t leave like this, Craig. Something is wrong, I just know it. I can feel it.” She had a crumpled-up letter in her hand. “Why would she type out a letter when there was a pad of paper on the kitchen table with the rest of the recipes she was writing out just this morning?”

“There’s more,” Bennett said. “When we got here, I could scent another pack member had been here—it was Cheryl.”

“Fuck.” He ran a hand over his face. That female must have lost her damned mind. Was she really so power-hungry that she’d resort to kidnapping?

He dialed Diego again. “Hey, it’s me. Cheryl came here. Bennett scented her when they got back. I can’t pick it up now, but it’s been a few hours. Go to her sister and bring her to me.”

Ten minutes later, Diego came into the house with Cheryl’s sister Tanya in tow, her head hanging low.

“Where is your sister, Tanya?” He growled, his wolf closeto the surface in his rage.

“You have to believe me, Alpha,” she whimpered, not meeting his gaze, “I thought she was just talking crazy drunk talk. I never believed she would actually do anything. Then we heard from Bobby that Ellie and Bennett left for Rigby this morning, but I truly didn’t think she was this far gone, I swear!”

Clearly, Cheryl was on her way to going feral, which made her very dangerous. He was losing his patience, along with his control, causing several of the wolves in the room to fidget nervously. “Whereisshe?”

“She was going to take her to our uncle’s cabin while she waited for Bernard.” She was cowering so low she nearly touched the ground now.

Every wolf in the room cursed when she mentioned the other man’s name. He had been briefed on the wolf named Bernard who’d been banished by the previous alpha, and it sent a shiver down his spine to think about Caroline being anywhere near the male.


Caro’s head was throbbing in pain when she woke up, and when she remembered the last thing she saw before the lights went out, she was almost too afraid to open her eyes. Her wrists were tied together, as were her ankles, and she seemed to be lying on her side on a wood floor. Behind her, she could hear two people arguing. She recognized the voice of the woman who’d punched her, but not the man she was talking to.

“I thought you said you could make some real money off an unclaimed female?” Cheryl said. “Were you just running your mouth or not?”
