Page 172 of Alpha Male

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What if it was a trick? It had to be some big joke.

A mean ploy to hurt the … no, she couldn’t even bring herself to think it anymore.

“I can see that you’re not ready. That’s fine. I can wait. I’m a patient man when I need to be. Don’t worry, I have plenty of time to prove my intentions.”

Willa still wasn’t sure what he meant.

He leaned down, grabbing the door handle of the car, and as he did, his scent invaded her senses and she struggled to move.

In some part of her, she found the will to pull away from him and then climb into the car.

Xander wasn’t done with her.

He reached into the car, grabbed the seatbelt, and clicked it into place. As he did this, the back of his hand brushed across her chest, straight over her nipples.

Willa hissed, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip to silence her reaction. She was shocked to find how extremely aroused she was.

He seemed completely unaffected by her closeness.

Sitting perfectly still, she waited for Xander to pull away from her, closing her car door.

She had no idea what she was doing. Why she even agreed to go on this dinner that was fast turning into some kind of date.

Xander climbed behind the wheel, turned over the ignition, and headed back toward campus. A subtle disappointment clung to her. Did she want him to keep pushing her to go to his hotel? Should she have taken a risk and gone for it?

What if this was real, her one chance at happiness and romance?

He pulled up to her place. She had a small apartment right near the campus, but how did he know that?

Tyson didn’t even know where she lived.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked.

“No, why would I be mad?”

“You’re quiet.”

“I’m respecting you, Willa. You need space, and I’m coming on a little strong. I get that. It’s the animal in me. You would understand if you … were like me.”

“Like you?”

“You’re important to me, Willa, and I’ve waited a long time for you. I don’t want to keep on waiting, but I can give you space if you need it.”

She noticed he didn’t mention time. Just space.

She pressed the seatbelt button and grabbed the door handle.

“How about breakfast?” Xander asked.


“You eat first thing in the morning, don’t you?”

She nodded. Words failed her.

“Excellent. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Xander didn’t leave until she was inside her apartment. As she entered, she collapsed against the door and realized she had a breakfast date. So much for giving her space.
