Page 193 of Alpha Male

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Rain clenched her fists by her side. Felix already did this song and dance earlier, so Kieran didn’t understand why he repeated it. Was it to humiliate the omega she-wolf even further?

Even covered in grime and dirt, Rain reminded him of a ferocious primal spirit.

“We’re wasting time here,” muttered Scarlett.

“You’re right. We’ll head to the omegas’ quarters. Kieran can take his pick there,” Felix said.

“I can’t believe this. You’re offering one of our omegas to a complete stranger to seal an alliance?” Rain demanded. While Kieran admired her guts, she should’ve chosen to remain silent at that moment.

Felix turned on her, growling. Waves of aggressive energy poured off the other alpha. Protective instincts rose to the surface. Kieran had to rein in his own pissed-off wolf from going after Felix.

This was bad. Felix and his pack outnumbered Kieran and his two enforcers badly. If things went south, Kieran, Scarlett, and Damien would never get out of here alive.

Kieran laughed. “Looks like she’s all bark and no bite. Let’s see those omegas you’ve been bragging about.”

Felix took deep breaths, then turned his attention away from Rain. “This way.” Felix looked over his shoulder. Kieran didn’t miss the hatred in Felix’s eyes. “I’ll deal with you later, traitor’s daughter.”

Felix led him to the omegas’ quarters of his pack. He ordered the young, unmated, and impressionable omegas to stand, single-file. Kieran looked over each one carefully, or at the very least, pretended to show genuine interest.

Kieran had already made up his mind. He wanted Rain, no one else. None of these meek little lambs pretending to be wolves could meet his gaze. They seemed more terrified of himthan Felix.

“I’ll need some time,” Kieran told Felix. “I’m debating between Sasha and Miriam.”

One of the two women he’d mentioned gasped. Felix told her to shut up. Kieran could feel his twin, Scarlett, tensing behind him. He knew exactly what she felt. These omegas Felix kept in one room felt like caged animals being raised for slaughter.

The omegas in his own pack weren’t segregated from everyone else. Some packs used omegas as bargaining chips, but Kieran operated his pack differently.

“Good choices,” Felix said, nodding with approval. “I would’ve picked them myself, but right now, I have a current favorite.”

“Well, then. This tour was fun and all, but I’m sure you have plenty to do before the feast tonight,” Kieran said. “Meanwhile, we’ll rest in our rooms.”

Felix nodded and ordered a nearby beta to escort them back to their guest quarters. Once Kieran was alone with Scarlett and Damien, he turned to them. “Well, what do you both think?”

“I’ve seen Felix’s favorite,” Scarlett said. “She could barely string two sentences together. It’s clear he’ll discard her once he uses her up. Brother, you cannot possibly think the Silverbite Pack will make for good allies.”

“I agree with Scarlett,” Damien said. “I don’t like the look of alphas and betas under Felix’s command. I know their kind. They’ll do whatever they like as long as Felix turns a blind eye to their activities.”

“Good. We’re all in agreement,” Kieran said, sitting on the only couch in the room. He ran a finger over the faded pink stain on the bright blue fabric. His nose told him what it was. Blood. Kieran plucked the apple from the fruit basket sitting on the coffee table in front of it, then studied it.

“Brother—” Scarlett warned, but Kieran already took a bite.

He spat the piece out and smiled as he held up the fruit. “Look. Perfect on the outside but rotten within. Just like this pack.” He tossed the fruit into the waste basket across the room. It sailed through the air, and he whooped when he didn’t miss.

Scarlett and Damien looked at him like he was insane.

“If you never intended to take an omega from Felix, then you’re not considering an alliance with the Silverbite Pack,” Scarlett said.

“What are we still doing here?” Damien asked.

Scarlett blew out a breath when Kieran looked at her thoughtfully. “It’s that omega, isn’t it? The traitor’s daughter, you like her.”

“I want her,” Kieran corrected. “And despite how she acts, I think she feels the same way about me.”

Scarlett and Damien traded wary looks. Kieran grew up with both of them, so they understood his moods and methods. Neither tried to dissuade him from his intentions or plans. Not that Kieran had one. Not yet.

“Is she truly worth it?” Scarlett asked him once Damien excused himself to use the bathroom.

“She will be,” Kieran said, smiling.
