Page 197 of Alpha Male

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“Your work is impeccable as always, Grace,” Scarlett said. “Thank you. The pack is lucky to have you.”

Grace only grunted, then said, “I’ll fetch Kieran. He’ll want to see her.”

“I have a name, you know. You can ask me yourself,” Rainsaid, lifting her chin and holding Scarlett’s gaze. A dangerous move. Rain knew that dominant females could be as dangerous as the males in the pack. She continued, “Are you going to remind me I’m lucky to be alive, lucky your brother saved me?”

“Not at all, little wolf,” Scarlett said. “I only have two words to say to you. Good luck. You’ll need plenty of it.”

With that, Scarlett walked to the door. Rain wasn’t even aware that Kieran stood there, watching them.

Chapter Four

Kieran nodded at his sister. She gave his shoulder a squeeze, then whispered, “Go easy on her.” Then she walked past him. Kieran stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him. Rain eyed him warily, like she expected him to pounce on her any moment.

Well, he would love nothing more than to do just that, to tackle her in bed and—no. Kieran put those thoughts aside for the moment. Right now, this female was scared of him, and he didn’t like that. Not one bit.

Kieran wanted to let Rain know that he was different from Felix or any of the bullies in her pack. He elected to sit by the side of the bed, expecting her to draw far away from him as much as possible, but she stood her ground and remained where she was.

She met his gaze defiantly. Desire shot right through his veins, his cock. Kieran had chosen correctly. Rain would make for a perfect mate.

He overheard Grace asking Scarlett what made Rain so different from the other omegas in his pack. It was spirit. Despite the bad cards fate had dealt Rain, she didn’t give up. She kept fighting, kept on going.

“I’ve heard what you’ve done for me,” Rain said, then bit her bottom lip. “Thank you.”

She sounded genuinely grateful. That caught him slightly off-guard, but he easily recovered. Kieran touched her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You’re very welcome, little wolf,” he said.

“Why would you give your life force to save a complete stranger like me?” she demanded. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“Doesn’t it? From the moment I’ve met you, I’ve felt the call of your wolf to mine,” he said. “Don’t you sense it too? The potential between us?”

Rain laughed, and Kieran asked her what was so funny. “Honeyed words. I bet you say that to every omega you’ve met. Let me guess. They fall for it every single time.”

Anger swelled inside Kieran, but he reeled in his temper. He released her hand and gripped her chin. Then he kissed her. She didn’t even fight back, simply melted into his kiss like it was the most natural thing in the world.

She even parted her lips a little wider so Kieran could slide his tongue down his throat. For all he knew, she’d bite his tongue out, but she didn’t. Rain reminded him of a lost little wolf, in need of guidance.

Kieran pulled away first because if he didn’t, he’d want to do all sorts of filthy deeds to her. He would dirty her up. Claim her as his own and then mark her so no other alpha would mistake her for anything but his.

“You have a mouth on you, little wolf,” Kieran told her.

“Let’s not pretend I’m anything more than your latest prize,” she said. “I’ve heard the stories they tell about you.”

“Enlighten me,” he said, intrigued.

“That you’re brutal to your enemies,” she whispered.

“What of my lovers?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted.

“Then don’t make assumptions about me as if you know me,” he said.

He pressed his face against the side of her neck. She stilled when he closed his mouth over the spot between her shoulder and neck. The special place where he would eventually place his mate mark.

Rain let out a gasp when he unsheathed his fangs. He bit down, not hard enough to draw blood but certainly deep enough to leave a bruise. He pulled away and smiled at his handiwork.

She brushed a hand over the mark, then drew a deep breath. Kieran didn’t plan to apologize for his actions.

“Am I your prisoner then?” she asked him. “I need to know the ground rules.”
