Page 224 of Alpha Male

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“True,” he admits. “But she got you out. And now, you’re free, despite the unfortunate fright. I knew she’d keep her word.”

I furrow my brow. “She?”


“The Chaos Queen spoke to you?”

The shifter nods briefly. “She did. She told me to come to you tonight. To wait, hidden from sight until she made her move.”

“She spoke to me tonight too,” I say, biting my lip. “But what does that mean? And who are you?”

The shifter smiles, gently takes my hand in his, and places a light but lingering kiss upon it. “My name is Erik Bearson. I’m a bear shifter and the alpha of the Rosewood Valley Clan.”

I blink several times, attempting in vain to digest it all. “And who are you to me?”

Erik’s gaze bores into mine, and an unexpected rush of warmth surges through me.

“You are my Fated mate, Chaos Witch. And I’ve come to claim you.”

Chapter Four


The Chaos witch’s expression is deadpan.Not what I expected.I presumed to see confusion, shock, indignation, or rage. Something. Anything. But she wears a mask—betraying nothing—no doubt painstakingly constructed to survive the years of abuse suffered in that hellhole that masquerades as a place of rest and safety for the ill and unsound of mind.

“Your mate?”

I nod. “I don’t know how much you know about shifters, but when our Fated mate reaches maturity, their scent is revealed to us. And once that happens? There’s no going back. Fate has played her hand and determined that we are to be one—united in the flesh, in heart—eternally soul-bound.”

“Just like that?” she asks with a hint of ire in her voice. “There’s no discussion? No romance? No choice? That’s all just been taken from me? I have to be with you, or else? That’s it? That’s the freedom I’ve been granted?”

The dark, icy fire in my mate’s shadowed gaze stokes the glowing embers buried in the pit of my stomach, fanning them into smoldering, white-hot flames. She’s fiery, strong-willed, and intelligent. She speaks her mind.I like her already.“I’ll prove to you that I’m worthy of your love, mate. I won’t be a stolen choice or the next best option to freedom. I will be everything that you need and everything that you’ve always dreamed—your friend, your lover, and your sworn guardian. I will shield you from harm with all that I am.”

“That’s more than a little presumptuous, don’t you think? I’m just supposed to accept you as my savior and fall into your arms like some kind of damsel in distress? Is this what I’m to expect of being the alpha’s bride?”

“I sincerely hope not.” I laugh. “That’s not my style. Andfrom the sounds of it not yours, either. I’m an alpha in more than just name. I am a true alpha, with a clan to lead and protect. I need a woman who can handle that and stand by me. You’re no token bride. You are to be my queen, my equal in all ways. Fate doesn’t make mistakes. We were matched for reasons beyond our knowledge. And if you’ll give this—us—a chance, I’m sure all will become clear in time. So, to that end, how about we start over?”

My mate’s lip quivers ever so slightly, and she nods hesitantly. “All right.”

“Okay, then.” I smile, infusing my voice with as much warmth as I can summon. “What’s your name, Chaos Witch?”

“Asha.” She swallows. “Asha Ravensong.”

I rise, offering my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Asha.”

Asha accepts my hand.

I pull her up until our bodies are so close that I can feel her shivering through the thin scrap of her white night dress. “You’re cold,” I murmur. My gaze trails from her beautiful, pale face to her pert, pink nipples, hard against the flimsy fabric. I clear my throat. “It’s late. We should keep going. If I maintain a steady pace, we’ll make it home before dawn.”

Asha’s brow furrows. “Home?”

“Home,” I affirm. “My home is your home, Asha, from this day, until your last, as is my family. Yours ostracized you and cast you aside for being different, but bears aren’t like that. We don’t forsake our own. We’ll not only accept you for who you are but celebrate you for your unique nature. The truth is, we are a clan of misfits, each man, woman, and child strong in their own way. You will be welcomed with open arms.”

Asha licks her lips and exhales slowly. “It sounds too good to be true.”

I smirk. “Sometimes Fate throws you a bone. Noteverything good in life can be taken from you, Asha. Once you find your tribe, your true family—your clan—you will never be alone. You’ll always have someone who will stand by you, fight with you, andforyou.”

My mate nods again.
