Page 235 of Alpha Male

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She pushes back, harder, more feverishly.

Her desperation to be filled with my seed sends my beast wild, and I pull her right back against me, drawing her up into a kneeling position. Holding her by the throat, my fingers wander to her pleasure.

“Oh, Erik,” she whimpers.

I fuck her for all I’m worth, grateful beyond reasoning to have her safely back in my arms after the events of the last day.

Asha bucks hard, grinding herself onto my cock with increasing vigor. Finding what she likes most, I rub her with my calloused thumb until she cries out, every inch of her quivering and clutching at my cock for dear life.

After I release her, she collapses onto the blankets, and I ram it home, again and again, until her spasms push me over the edge and I empty myself inside of her. “Goddess, be merciful!” I gasp, riding the waves of ecstasy assaulting me. “I want to fuck you like that for the rest of my days.”

Asha lazily tilts her head, looking back at me over her shoulder. “I don’t think I’d mind that at all.” She smiles, her violet eyes glazed with lust.

Withdrawing, I crawl toward her and snuggle down beside her, wrapping my mate in my protective arms. Inhaling the scent of her hair, I sigh and squeeze her tight. “Thank you for being mine, Asha. You’re everything I could have ever dreamed of and more. You’re my dreams come true.”

My queen nestles back into me, her form soft against me.I want nothing more than to love, serve, and protect this woman until the day I die—and beyond if the Goddess permits.

Asha closes her eyes. “We are Fated.” She yawns. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried…” Her words trail off as she gives into the warm embrace of sleep.

After what she’s been through, I don’t blame her at all. I can’t even begin to imagine what she’s experienced. What must it have been like to die by her own Chaos? To meet the Goddess in the Beyond? And then be returned to life, only to endure unfathomable pain and exertion in order to free the Chaos Queen and her Sisters, as well as expunge the castle of its magical wards and traps?My witch is one in a million.

“You saved the day, little bear,” I whisper as I stroke her hair. “You saved everyone, including me. I never would have made it out of that cage if it weren’t for you and your great sacrifice. I’ll never forget it, I promise you. I owe you my life, and I will spend the rest of my life fighting for you—until the end.”

Closing my eyes, I listen intently to Asha’s peaceful, steady breathing and the rhythmic cadence of her valiant heart. Then, with a smile on my face, I join her in slumber.

Chapter Fifteen


Sitting by a quiet lake not far from the cave, I inspect my reflection. The beautiful, cosmic jewel inlaid into my flesh glitters in the sunlight. A black crystal in the shape of a tear, its smooth, faceted surface shifts through all the colors of midnight—alive with my inner Chaos—an eternal inky black that swirls with hints of violet, flashes of dark teal, and whispers of starlight silver. I touch it tentatively. It no longer hurts. It’s as much a part of me now as my blood. It is my direct connection to the Goddess, the conduit through which I can now channel greater volumes of Chaos than I ever dreamed possible.A true gift. The power to defend those I love.

The last few days have been busy, but comfortingly so. We’ve all fallen into a routine of sorts, and it feels good to be a part of something—a real community. I’m proving myself to be a very hands-on queen, as Erik is a hands-on alpha. I’ll not sit vainly upon some throne, advising a council and dictating to those beneath me. I am a queen of action and purpose. I will be a queen worthy of love and respect. I will not rule by fear. Fear perpetuates misunderstandings and miscommunication. It solves nothing.

In time, my enemies will know my wrath and feel the sting of righteous justice for the crimes they have committed against the innocent. But my people and my kin? They will know a queen of compassion and understanding, a queen who values empathy. All those who are loyal to our clan and our cause will hold a place in my heart. They will be my family, my friends, and my children, as we are all Children of the Goddess.

With friendship and firm leadership, I will foster trust and garner new allies, just as I intended. With my alpha by my side, we’ll bring about a New Age, one of Balance. We’ll build aworld where all Others can know harmony and peace.

“My queen.”

A smile spreads across my face as I rise to acknowledge my alpha, my love—my Fated mate. “Erik.”

Erik’s fingers alight upon my jewel in reverence and wonder before they trail down the side of my face. “I was wondering where you’d wandered off to,” he says. His dark eyes search mine and he returns my smile. “How are you feeling?”

With a grimace, I shrug my shoulders. “I feel different,” I admit. “I can feel my Chaos in ways I’ve never experienced before. It used to feel like a power I had access to—like it was always just at my fingertips, to be called upon—but now, I feel it in my very soul. IamChaos. I’m finally whole, a true witch.”

Erik holds me gently by the shoulders. “I can’t begin to explain just how incredible that sounds, mate. It is the legacy you always deserved, the one you were born to. But I meant more, how are you since coming back from the Beyond? It’s not every day you die and are resurrected by the Goddess herself.” Erik’s brows knit. “I thought I’d lost you, Asha. When I found you in the basement, you weren’t moving. You were just lying there in a crumpled heap. I saw blood.”

The alpha swallows hard. “I remember thinking that if you were dead, that I’d join you because I’d be damned if death was going to separate me from my Fated mate.” Erik’s eyes glisten with unshed tears. “The Goddess sent you back, but is it forever? Are you living on borrowed time? Were there caveats to this incredible gift?”

I bite my lower lip, my brow furrowing as I stroke his face. “The truth is, I don’t know. I have no way of knowing if this is for good or if it’s just until I restore the Balance. What I experienced in the Beyond is not something I can easily explain. I’m not even sure that I should try. But either way, my love, we have now.” I smile. “I’m here, with you, and we’re going to make the world abetter place together. Whether I live or die, I want to know that I made a difference. I don’t want anyone to suffer through what I have, ever again. No one deserves that, Erik. So, while I still draw breath, we’ll simply live one day at a time and do what we must. That’s all we can do.”

Erik nods and draws a deep breath, denying his tears the opportunity to fall. “You are wise beyond your years, Asha. And whether I have you here for days or a lifetime, I’m going to spend each hour with you as if it’s my last. You are the queen of my heart, and I love you. I couldn’t imagine asking for more than what we have now.”

“As you are my alpha, Erik, and the king of my heart,” I whisper, rising on my toes to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Our hearts are wild and unpredictable, capable of great feats of love and sacrifice, and even greater pain. But one thing is certain—we are who we choose to be, and I will not cage mine or yours. I will be your heart’s queen and keeper. I will protect it with all that I am, but I will not be its captor. Our hearts were Fated to run wild and free, together.”

Teasing my sleeves down, I allow my lovely black dress to fall to the colorful carpet of autumn leaves, lest it be ruined. “So run with me, my mate. Run with me until we can’t run anymore, until we’re spent and breathless. Then lie with me beneath the stars, and make love to me as bears do.”

Erik growls deep in his throat, and his onyx eyes glaze with lust. Without a thought for the clothes he’ll be shredding to pieces, he shifts.
