Page 24 of Alpha Male

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“She told me off when I offered to help her to pack her father’s things. Said that I was just trying to assuage my guilt for treating him badly when he was alive. And then she slammed the door in my face.” Silas sulks as he speaks. It’s quite an unattractive trait but one most of us have gotten used to.

The thought of my beta standing on the porch of old man Williams’ house, the door slammed in his face, has laughter rising to the surface before I can control myself. Silas is a true man-whore. And he thinks all women are incapable of waving off his charms.

Silas stares at me as I laugh at him.

“I don’t find any of this funny.”

“I find it hilarious, my friend.” I smile. “The girl who used to be afraid of her own shadow has finally grown a backbone. And she must have turned into quite a looker if you are this upset by her rejection.”

“It doesn’t matter what she looks like” he replies too quickly.

Shit, she must have changed immensely for him to try his luck with her. He has a particular type, and it’s nothing like the girl I remember.

“It’s what she said that bothers me.”

“I see. It bothers you that she is right?” I ask.

“Well, yes.” He sighs. “I always thought I would have time to apologize for being a little shit. And now he’s gone and it’s too late.”

“All right.” I clear my throat. “Let me go and talk to Kira and explain that you only want to make amends. Perhaps she will be more open to talking to me.”

Chapter Four


“Just fuck off!” I yell at the person knocking on the door. “I don’t want any help.”

The knocking ceases, and I hear the footsteps travel down the steps and away from the house. How many more of these assholes am I going to have to tell to leave before they get the fucking point? Four people have been here since Silas, not including this last one, and each got the same reception from me. I have no intention of making nice with these people.

In the kitchen, I pull a bottle of vodka I brought with me from the freezer and head outside. The fire pit is already roaring into the night sky. After taking a seat in a comfortable camping chair, which I found in the garage, I unscrew the cap and take a big swig straight from the bottle. The burn flows down my throat and to my stomach before extending out to my limbs.

Each time the burn starts to fade, I take another large sip as I stare into the flames dancing in front of me.

“Maybe you should slow down,” a deep voice says from behind me.

“Hello, Rowan,” I answer in reply.

“How did you know it was me?” he asks as he stands beside my chair, staring down at me.

“You have been here for ten minutes. You are standing into the wind, and your smell is all over this yard. It would be hard to miss you.” I don’t face him, instead keeping my gaze trained on the fire.

I know he can hear my pulse racing. My heart is beating a mile a minute. When I first caught the scent, I was praying for someone else, anyone else. God knows I would have settled for a fucking stray. Anyone but Rowan. Yeah, that’s just my fucking luck.

Of course, the goddamned alpha of the Zwart Pack would be my fucking mate.



The moment I reach the Williams’ house, my heart starts pounding erratically. Something is off. My skin feels tight, my chest too small to contain my rapidly beating heart. My panther is uneasy, prowling around in the corners of my mind, pushing against me, trying to get out.

The moment I see Kira, I know exactly why. She is my fated mate. It seems Silas was right when he said she could make things exceedingly difficult. Since I can remember, I have wanted nothing more than to meet my fated mate. But Kira isn’t going to be overjoyed at this situation. Getting her to accept me as her alpha was never in the cards, but I wonder if she could ever accept me as her mate.

When I stand beside her, looking down, my breath freezes in my lungs. She has become a beautiful woman. The same blonde hair she always had but now she has pieces of black and red scattered in. Her shirt is tight over her breasts. She may not have the curves Odette has, but it doesn’t matter. She is the most breathtakingly beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.

“Why are you here, Rowan?” Kira asks, still not looking at me.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry for your loss,” I reply.
